Home Destination Abroad Letter of Recommendation Samples to Study Abroad Letter of Recommendation for Electrical Engineering

Letter of Recommendation for Electrical Engineering

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I have great pleasure in recommending XXX in her pursuit of higher educational qualification – Master’s Degree in Electrical engineering. I have been acquainted with XXX for the past four years as a student of undergraduate studies under the electronics and communication engineering in our institute.

I have handled Digital Signal Processing and Advanced Digital Signal Processing, in the fifth and sixth of her undergraduate studies. She has consistently performed well and stands within the top 5 in her class of 66. She has a good understanding of the fundamentals in these subjects which will help her a great deal in furthering her skills during the graduate studies in her proposed field of communications and signal processing

She is articulate and can express herself very well both in formal teaching contexts and in informal discussions. In these years of acquaintance I have found her ideas to be innovative and creative .This was demonstrated by the work she did on her mini project –“——–“.

Added to this, she has been working on her final year project-“——”, under my guidance and as her project adviser, I have observed and monitored her at close quarters. She is a person with positive attitude towards life and enjoys her work. I find her to be a dedicated and industrious student and am confident that she will excel in her higher studies.

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She is interested in strengthening her academic proficiency by pursuing her Masters in Electrical Engineering (Communication and Signal Processing). I believe that her endurance and analytical skills will contribute significantly to the research at your institute. I strongly recommend her for the graduate program at your university.


I have known Ms. XXX as my student for the past four years. She is basically a creative person, always trying to present her ideas in a creative manner. She has a good logical reasoning ability and will always try to solve problems efficiently. In addition, she has demonstrated excellent powers of observation, and has the ability to communicate and suggest changes that were effective upon implementation.

From the beginning of the course, she began to re-define our expectations of a good student leader. She regularly discussed with her fellow students about the subjects and brought in new ideas and suggested better methods of learning. Without prompting or precedence she spent several days working odd hours on her lab projects and preparing technical papers. Along the course she had an excellent sense of perception about the basics of the electrical and electronics engineering, and improving the flow from one subject to the other and one concept to another concept – all to the great praise of both the staff and the fellow students in her class. She had also observed something about a common aspect of the learning process that was applicable to all subjects at our department. She has written several papers on our subjects, some of which have been published in university journals. She is always valued for her contribution and the skill and sensitivity with which she presented her ideas.

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XXX has also demonstrated her technical and analytical abilities in creating a new model for Special Electrical Machines. Being the project coordinator for her, I have seen her grow in communicative abilities tremendously over the last one and half years. Her attentive listening and great enthusiasm has helped her overcome any language limitations. She is both self-confident and independent, and has a great sense of humor that has helped her form strong relationships peers, and members of our staff.

In all of these areas, XXX has gone beyond expectations, and has out-shined all others in her peer-group at our college. She is a very admirable and ambitious person. I have no doubt that she will be a serious and enthusiastic student, and someday a quite successful senior level technocrat that you would be proud to call her an alumni.

I wish her all the best in her higher education and strongly recommend her for studies at your esteemed university with financial assistant-ship.


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  1. Hello sir my name is Peer Mohammad Iam from an Afghanistan Iam an electrical engineer Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat and I have work experience with US peopople an Afghanistan we are no safe here also I can not find my superviser I need for your helps please consider my suggestion sent for me Hr and Recommendation lateer for SIV programm me and my familiy no safe an Afghanistan our life is at risk please if your have electrical company please help with ours itis my whatsApp and contact number +93(0)793557831
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