Home Study in Germany All About German Universities Universities Offering Electrical Programs in Germany

Universities Offering Electrical Programs in Germany

Complete Guide For Studying Bachelors In Germany

University: University of Kaiserslautern

Program/ Specialization: Master of Science (MSc) in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Specialization: Embedded Systems: English courses

Duration: 2 Years

Intake: Winter

Deadline: 30th April

Website Link: http://www.eit.uni-kl.de/en/mplus/

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL: 80/ IELTS: 6.0 & GRE (recommended)

The TOEFL code number of the University of Kaiserslautern is 7967.

The GRE code number of the University of Kaiserslautern is 7143.

Fees: Free but the ‘Intensive Language and Orientation Course’ costs 1000 €

German Language: You can start the Master Program without any language proficiency in German, however you are obliged to attend the ‘Intensive Language and Orientation Course’ at the University of Kaiserslautern which forms an integral part of your program. Application fee: The University of Kaiserslautern must charge a fee (€ 50) for the verification and acceptance of foreign qualifications and certificates in accordance with the Special Schedule of Fees (“Besonderes Gebührenverzeichnis”) of Rhineland-Palatinate.

This fee has to be paid upon request after the submission of your application!

University: Hochschule Bremen

Program: Master of Science in Electronics Engineering

Specialization Options: Microsystems Engineering, Measurement & Instrumentation, Communication Systems Engineering

Duration: 3 semesters

Intake: Winter

Deadline: April 15 (subject to change)

Website Link: http://www.msc-ee.hs-bremen.de/

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL: 79/IELTS: 5.5 not older than 12 months

Fees: 1500 Euro in total

German Language: A2 Level

 University: Technische Universität Chemnitz

Program/ Specialization: MSC in Automotive Software Engineering (Module: Embedded Systems or Information and Communication Systems)

Duration: 2 years

Intake: Winter, summer

Deadline: July 15, January 15

Website Link: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/informatik/studium/en/ma_ase.php

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL/IELTS & GRE (Recommended)

Fees: No tuition fees

German Language: A1 Level

Note: Application through Uni-assist, they charge 68 Euros to process application. Student need to pay 68 Euros*(For additional universities student need pay 15 Euros)

 University: University of Duisburg-Essen

Program: Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Specialization Options: Communications Engineering, Power and Automation

Duration: 2 years

Intake: Winter

Deadline: 15 July

Website Link: http://www.uni-due.de/ise/curriculum/m-eee.shtml

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL/IELTS

Fees: All students are required to pay a social contribution of about EUR 260 per semester.

German Language: B1 level

Curriculum for power and Automation: https://ti.uni-due.de/vdb/info.php?id=42&mode=studiengang


University: Hochschule Kempten University

Program: Electrical Engineering (Master of Engineering)

Duration: 3 semesters

Intake: Winter

Deadline: January 15

Website Link: http://www.hochschule-kempten.de/studies/degree-courses/engineering/electrical-engineering-master-of-engineering/description-and-objective-of-the-masters-program.html?L=1

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL (IBT- 75)/ IELTS: 5.5

Fees: Per semester a fee of 400 Euro plus 42 Euro for the student welfare organization is required.

German Language: Basic Level recommended.

Note: The alternative opportunity during the 2nd and 3rd semester to complete their studies in Northern Ireland at the University of Ulster and will receive a dual degree.


University: Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences

Program/ Specialization: Electrical Engineering (Master)

Duration: 3 semesters

Intake: Winter

Deadline: 31 May

Website Link: https://www.hs-weingarten.de/en/web/masterstudiengang-electrical-engineering/startseite;jsessionid=EF44900AFC8A538ED08422F8FCE10AEE

Curriculum: https://www.hs-weingarten.de/web/masterstudiengang-electrical-engineering/facher-/-studienplan

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL: 80/IELTS: 6.5

Toefl code is 8442

Fees: Administrative fee: 99, 90 € per semester (subject to change)

Also Read:  Masters in Management Information System (MS in MIS)


University: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Program/ Specialization: Electrical Engineering (Master of Science)

Duration: 4 semesters

Intake: Winter

Deadline: April 1st (subject to change)

Website Link: http://www.eit.h-da.de/?7471



Tests Mandatory: TOEFL/IELTS

Fees: No tuition fees

Note: Applicants with a proof of at least basic German knowledge from the Goethe Institute will be favored.


University: RWTH University

Program/ Specialization:  Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering

Specialization Options: Electrical Power Engineering; Communications Engineering

Duration: 2 Years (4 semesters)

Intake: Winter

Deadline: July 15 (subject to change)

Website Link: http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Vor_dem_Studium/Studiengaenge/Liste_Aktuelle_Studiengaenge/Studiengangbeschreibung/~bngt/Elektrotechnik_Informationstechnik_un/lidx/1/

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL -83 (IBT)/ IELTS 6, GRE- recommended

ETS code for RWTH Aachen University is 8504

German Language – Basic

Fees: no tuition fee

Required: Technical Essay about a project that has been conducted by the applicant (e.g. Bachelor thesis, student project,…).

Constraints: 800-1000 words and at least one diagram or picture.


 University: Deggeondorf FH

Program: Master of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Specialization: Electronic and Telecommunication Systems, Automation and Power Engineering

Duration: 3 Semesters

Intake: Winter

Deadline: April 13th – July 15th of the respective year

Website Link: http://www.hdu-deggendorf.de/en/faculties/et-mt/study-courses/et-m

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL/IELTS

Fees: 370 Euros for each semester.

German Language: sufficient knowledge of German must be shown

Note: Have to take assessment test

Language in the Master-Program is English and German (some of the courses are given in English language; some courses are given in German language). Therefore, English and German language proficiency is necessary for the program and has to be proved by usual language tests like TOEFL, IELTS for English language and like Feststellungsprüfung (FSP)/ assessment test or TestDaF or Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) or other German language certificates.


University: Fachhochschule Rosenheim

Program/ Specialization: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Specialization Options: Automation & Control, Communication, Mechatronics.

Duration: 3 semesters

Intake: Winter

Deadline: July 15th

it is strongly recommended to apply at least 1 month earlier, in order to give sufficient time for the visa process!

Website Link: http://www.fh-rosenheim.de/fileadmin/inhalte/Fakultaeten/Ingenieurwissenschaften_KPE/Elektro-_und_Informationstechnik/Studium/Aktuelles/EEIT_Masters_Program_Structure_and_Detailed_Course_Descriptions_WS2012.pdf

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL (IBT 84)/IELTS: 6.0

Fees: 370 € per semester

German Language: As of yet there is no formal German language test required for admission. However, it is highly recommended for applicants to have a basic command of ‘The German language’ at a level comparable to the G3-B level of the Goethe Institute before coming to Germany. In addition Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences offer a limited program of German courses for foreigners. These Courses, however, start above the Goethe Institute’s A2 level. Applicants with a proof of at least basic German knowledge, preferably a Goethe Institute certificate will be preferred.


University: Karlsruhe Institute of technology

Program/ Specialization: MSc in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies

Duration: 4 semesters

Intake: Winter

Deadline: 15th of July

Website Link: http://www.etit.kit.edu/732.php

Curriculum Link: http://www.etit.kit.edu/744.php

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL-88/IELTS-6.5

Fees: € 100 per semester

Also Read:  A Story on Admission, Visa Preliminary procedure till the Interview

Note: Two Reference letters need to filled with Referees Signature and

Seal of the University


 University: University of Magdeburg

Program/ Specialization: Masters in Electrical and Information technologies.

Duration:  2 years

Intake: Winter

Deadline: 15 July

Website Link: www.uni-magdeburg.de/en/education/content/study_guide/electrical_engineering_and_information_technology-p-17627.html

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL: 79/IELTS: 6.0

Fees: None

German Language: Not applicable

Note: Application through Uni-assist, they charge 68 Euros to process application. Student need to pay 68 Euros*(For additional universities student need pay 15 Euros)

University: Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus

Program/ Specialization: Master Programme “Power Engineering”
Duration: 2 years
Intake: Winter
Deadline: June 1st
Website Link: http://www.tu-cottbus.de/einrichtungen/en/cebra2008/studies/msc-power-engineering.html
Tests Mandatory: TOEFL/IELTS
Fees: registration and administration fee of approx. 200 – 220 €/ semester has to be paid each semester.
German Language: Basic Level
Note: Application via Uni assist, they charge 68 Euros to process application
Students need to pay 68 Euros


University: University of Magdeburg

Program/ Specialization: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Duration: 2 Years

Intake: Winter

Deadline: July 15th

Website Link: http://ifatwww.et.uni-magdeburg.de/master/

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL/ IELTS

Fees: No Tuition Fee

German Language: Not required

Course Description: http://ifatwww.et.uni-magdeburg.de/master/MasterEEIT4.pdf


 University:Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main

Program/ Specialization: Master of Engineering in Information technology (Module: Embedded)

Duration: 4 semesters

Intake: Winter

Deadline: April 15th

Website Link: http://www.fh-frankfurt.de/de/fachbereiche/fb2/studiengaenge/information_technology.html

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL/IELTS

Fees: EUR 350 per semester

German Language: Not required


University: Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

Program/ Specialization: MS in Information and Communication Systems

Duration: 4 semesters

Intake: winter

Deadline: 31 May

Website Link: http://www.tu-harburg.de/alt/tuhh/education/degree-courses/international-study-programs/information-and-communication-systems.html

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL (IBT 84)/IELTS & GRE

Fees: 375 EUR per semester

German Language: Not required


 University: Technische Universität München

Program/ Specialization: Master of Science in Communications Engineering (MSCE) (Courses in Satellite Communication Laboratory, Wireless Sensor Networks Lab)

Duration: 2 years

Intake: winter

Deadline: March 15th

Website Link:http://www.master.ei.tum.de/frames/frame.php?nvbar=1&sdbar=2&mnfr=1

Tests Mandatory: TOEFLIELTS & GRE (optional)

Fees: 500 EUR per semester.

German Language: Not applicable

Courses: http://www.master.ei.tum.de/frames/frame.php?language=en&nvbar=4&sdbar=5&mnfr=13

University: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (University of Applied Sciences)

Program/ Specialization: Master of Science in Information and Communications Engineering (ICE) (Modules in Wireless Access Technologies, Wireless Communication Systems, Telecommunication Networks)

Duration: 2 years

Intake: winter

Deadline: May 31st

Website Link:http://ice.iem.th-mittelhessen.de/

Tests Mandatory: TOEFLIELTS

Fees: None

German Language: A1 Level

Description of the Modules: http://ice.iem.th-mittelhessen.de/images/stories/pdf/mh_ice_master-prfungsamt-ice1pg-web.pdf


University: TU Darmstadt

Program/ Specialization: Master Program – Information and Communication Engineering (iCE) (Modules in Wireless Communications, Image Processing, Telecommunication, Satellite and terrestrial radio systems)

Duration: 2 years

Intake: Winter

Deadline: 15 May

Website Link: http://www.ice.tu-darmstadt.de/about/index.en.jsp

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL/IELTS

Fees: None

German Language: Not required

NOTE: Students who are shortlisted are required to take up the questionnaire test.

Modules: http://www.ice.tu-darmstadt.de/media/ice_master/pdf_1/icemastermodulhandbuchanhangiizuab_21_09_2010.pdf


University: Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

Program/ Specialization: MS in Microelectronics and Microsystems

Duration: 4 semesters

Intake: winter

Deadline: May 1st

Website Link: http://www.tu-harburg.de/alt/tuhh/education/degree-courses/international-study-programs/microelectronics-and-microsystems.html

Tests Mandatory: TOEFL (IBT 84)/IELTS & GRE

Fees: 375 EUR per semester

German Language: Not Required

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