Home Study in Germany All About German Universities Translation of Documents to German Language

Translation of Documents to German Language


Important Note on Translation 

All the translations should be on an A4 paper. Translations need not be on any letter head, they need not be on a stamp paper, they need not carry the signature of the bank manager or any other authority and no need to get it authorized by a Notary. Get the translations done on a plain A4 paper that’s it!! If required, put your signature and nothing else.
DAAD office or Max Mueller Bhavan in your city can help you with the translations. Also, Indo German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) will take up the translation work. Both DAAD and IGCC are expensive when compared to freelance translators and the cost of translation in DAAD/IGCC can run up to several thousand rupees depending on the number of pages. But on the brighter side, DAAD/IGCC translations are very accurate and professional. Staff in the German consulate will not doubt the authenticity of translation if it carries the seal of DAAD or IGCC.
If you want to keep the keep the cost of translation low, look for freelancers who will be ready to do the work at a fraction of what it costs in DAAD/IGCC. Also, if your city has a university with a department for German language studies, professors from that department can help you with the translation work.
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