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What’s with the Millennial Mindset at work ?!

Millennials are revolutionizing the work culture all around the world. A stable job with a gradually increasing income is now no longer considered as the “ideal job”. 

Despite of the irrational judgements made on today’s younger generation that it is unorganized, rebellious and oblivious of their career, it is indeed the most educated, self-aware and ambitious generation in the history of mankind. 

According to the Pwc report, Millennials at Work- Reshaping the workplace – “Millennials already form 25% of the workforce in the US and account for over half of the population in India. By 2020, millennials will form 50% of the global workforce. They will also be more valuable – this generation will work to support a significantly larger older generation as life expectancy increases. CEOs tell us that attracting and keeping younger workers is one of their biggest talent challenges.”

With a sharp sense of understanding in the technological domain and an ever-lasting thirst for greater knowledge, the millennials are taking over the business world by a storm. 

They challenge the conventional corporate norms at every step and seek constant feedbacks, rapid career progressions, higher financial gains and continuous personal development.  

Millennials are strongly opinionated 

It is not easy to shove down a traditionally followed methodology down to a millennial’s brain today. Unlike the earlier generations, millennials today are curious about the “why’s” and seek validation for everything. They want to delve into the root cause of a situation and then decide whether or not the proposed method fits it well enough. 

Millennials have experienced a blend of creativity, technology and self-care as they were growing up. People like Jay Shetty (one of the biggest entrepreneurs), who studied from the world’s best universities left their stable careers and became monks to seek inner-peace and understand the true meaning of life. 

Millennials are carving their own definition of happiness and success.

Asking them to walk down the same road their fathers or forefathers did will only be unfair in today’s competitive world. Millennials have not only discovered their own ways to better business solutions but also to lead happier lives.

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Millennials want to GROW

Millennials do not buy the “you will grow with our company” at their interviews now. They seek rationales, shared principals and innovative ideas that render immense growth to business as well as themselves on a personal level. More people have started quitting their jobs and opting for better, flexible careers like freelancing, which would satisfy their needs and also give them space for innovative ideas. 

Earning money from the stable 9-5 job and retiring at the age of 60 is not what this generation is looking forward for. With the immense opportunities that the global business market has to offer, it has become quite easy to earn money. Thus, the constant fear of money and financial security has been eliminated and made it easier for people to take higher risks and quit their mundane jobs. 

Millennials seek for a purpose

It is extremely difficult to convince a strong, independent and intelligent millennial to work without any specified end goal. They urge to know the purpose of every action. They put immense value on personal growth, mental satisfaction, ethical values, family and work relationships. Millennials are believed to discard leaders, bosses and policymakers who will fail to meet their standards and align with their agendas.  

Going against the management of a corporate or a firm isn’t much of an issue as this generation is brimming with creative ideas which creates a wider range of opportunities for them in the entrepreneurial world. They tend to move to spaces where their opinions matter, ideas are valued and knowledge is promised. 

Working at a desk job under peer pressure or to match the orthodox society standards is now out of the window. Unless and until there is a substantial purpose of a work, these millennials are ought to leave and go chase their dreams!

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Millennials work in collaborative environments

Millennials prefer working in collaborative workspaces that are filled with optimistic yet realistic people who focus on creating high performance and better solutions for complex problems. They venture countless business models before they settle and adapt the one that best suits their ideas. 

Typical corporate offices, desks and cubicles are unwanted elements for them. In fact, many companies have reported that one of the major challenges in today’s business world is to hire talented people and make them stick with the company for a longer period of time. 

Only a handful of companies in the world like Google, Facebook, YouTube have been able to capture the best-talented people. This is all because of the fact that they provide great flexibility, higher packages and the space to grow as an individual. They focus on building people’s knowledge and not just their revenue. 

Millennials are the Future

Millennials contribute to a major part of the workforce today. The Deloitte Millennial Survey states that “Millennials, who are already emerging as leaders in technology and other industries and will comprise 75 percent of the global workforce by 2025, want to work for organizations that foster innovative thinking, develop their skills, and make a positive contribution to society.”

It is no surprise that millennials are leading the path to a brighter and better future. With the breakthrough technologies and apt business leadership skills, millennials are building a new world. 

Companies are altering their business models to assimilate fresh concepts suggested by millennials. To assimilate the power of creativity and intelligence that these people possess is to follow the path to a highly efficient business journey. 

Prioritizing skill development and personal growth of the millennials can significantly affect businesses. It is imperative for leaders to understand and share the proposed vision by these people as they have more effective, feasible and productive ideas for the future. 

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