About GRE Official Score report (Hard copy)
I appeared for the exam before two months.I haven't my Official GRE Score report. (Hard copy). Doesn't ETS send us a GRE Score hard copy to our address? I need to apply to Universities and they are asking for GRE Official score report. Please tell me how can i get GRE Official score report from ETS? I need to...
How to send Revised GRE Scores to Universities?
How to report GRE scores to Graduate Schools? - Free reporting to 4 universities - GRE Additional Score reporting (ASRs) - GRE additional score report cost or fee - GRE score reporting Online (Web) - GRE score reporting by Phone - GRE score reporting by Fax - How long does gre score reporting take? In the application process to US...
High Frequency GRE Words
List of High Frequency GRE Words for Test Takers of 2013. These are the real GRE words that you see most frequently in the General GRE Realtime Test. Learn these Important GRE words thoroughly before attending GRE General test. GRE High Frequency Words Abate – v – subside or moderate. Aberrant – adj – abnormal or deviant Abeyance – n – suspended action Abscond...
GRE Reading Comprehension Tips
Revised GRE Reading Comprehension (RC) Section is the toughest of all GRE verbal Sections. With just a minimal GRE preparation, Students can’t answer Reading Comprehension (RC) in GRE Exam as they do Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence. It requires lot of preparation, practice, skills, Tips, Care. Let me tell you some reading Comprehension strategies. More Knowledge, Easy to understand the...
Download – Free GRE Tutorials and Study Materials
Magoosh is becoming one of the most reliable platforms for GRE preparation, and there is a reason for this. Magoosh offers you everything from practice questions to video lessons and grade-A study materials. All the contents available on Magoosh are user-friendly and more importantly, well-reviewed. Magoosh is affordable than most of its competitors and is rapidly turning out to...
Select US Universities Based on GRE Scores
GRE Universities for Scores > 333 US Universities for GRE Score Range 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340. Apart from strong GRE Score, Strong TOEFL or IELTS and achievements required for these schools. Massachusetts Institute of Technology www.mit.edu Stanford University www.stanford.edu University of California- Berkeley www.berkeley.edu University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign www.uiuc.edu University of Michigan Ann Arbor www.umich.edu Cornell University www.cornell.edu University of Texas at Austin www.utexas.edu University of Maryland – College park www.umd.edu University...
How to Change Name in Passport After GRE
I have read all your posts and I am happy to see that information on this crucial topic is available. But still my problem is little different. I have my name on the passport as Meenu only and no surname. My father’s name is PXXXX RXX. I have already given GRE and TOEFL with the name MEENU MEENU. on...
Exclusive GRE Study Materials PDF – FREE Download
The costs of studying for the GRE and applying to graduate school can add up. So, why not make the most of all the internet has to offer with free resources? Here are the best online resources to fuel your studies. Enjoy! Perfect Study Material for GRE Aspirants Also includes practice test software. Copy links to the URL bar to download...
MS Computer Science at University of Paderborn
Few words on Paderborn CS: *I am no longer studying in Paderborn so those who are studying here, feel free to comment your views as well I am just writing generic info since I am getting lot of PM asking for the same. 1. CS Department: Its quite reputed (specially in Germany and some part of Europe). I am getting lot of...
Electrical Systems Engineering at University of Paderborn
Few words on Electrical Systems Engineering (ESE) - Paderborn University 1. There are two specializations: Electronics & Devices (ED) and Signal & information Processing(SIP); and 24 credits are same for both specializations. Moreover, you can study 12 credit subject from inter specialty and 12 credits are to be chosen from open pool of 5 subjects. so more or less ,...