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How to select US Universities for MS & MBA | Study Abroad


How is it to select U.S. universities for graduate school admission (MS, MBA) ? This will be a 3 part article and by the end of 3 parts, you will be able to make a selection of U.S. universities with confidence and in the right way. This guide will list 12 different questions you have to answer for every university before making a final decision.

U.S. University Selection Factors

  1. Tuition Fees
  2. Cost of Living
  3. Jobs after M.S.
  4. Internship
  5. Length of the Program
  6. Thesis/Non-Thesis
  7. International Student Population
  8. Quality of Education
  9. Climate/Location
  10. Current Student Satisfaction
  11. Can you Afford it
  12. Crime Rate in the area

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