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Sample Letter Of Recommendation from Employer

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Sample Letter of Recommendation from Employer : An important aspect of the Application Process which makes your profile more strong. If the recommend – er  rates you good and strongly recommends you, higher are the chances to crack a good admit along with Scholarship and/or Assistant-ship. Though it’s good to have the Letter Of Recommendation from the person who knows you very well so that he/she can rate you well. If you’ve been working for a year or two, it’s good to have a Letter Of Recommendation from your Project Manager. Here’s the Sample Letter Of Recommendation from Project Manager.

What Is Included in the Recommendation Letter

In your letter, you will want to include:

  • Dates of employment
  • The position held
  • The company name
  • Job responsibilities
  • Qualifications
  • Strengths and abilities
  • Contact Information

Sample Letter Of Recommendation

It is a distinct pleasure to recommend to you my esteemed business associate and long time friend Rahul. In my capacity as Project Manager of Java Technology Head at ITA InfoTech I have worked closely with Rahul for more than two years.
As Technical lead of PBA project Rahul has managed the design of high level and low level documents for Qantas airlines. His work has been a major factor in our company’s continued success in the aviation and airline components industry.
He has proven consistently that customer need and company profits are not mutually exclusive. Like most IT Software businesses, our company is organized into functions. Engineering interacts with virtually all of them. There are natural tensions between the functions which if not managed correctly can prove disastrous. Rahul has always understood the old axiom that we rise or fall together and has made teamwork with others job number one for his department.

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I can remember the nature of our weekly management meetings one year ago before Rahul arrived.
We would spend most of the allotted two hours pointing fingers at each other any time problems needed to be solved. When Rahul came on board the meetings changed dramatically. He showed us all how to get beyond the blame game.

Rahul has a zest for life and has a variety of interests. He can relate to people in many ways and on many levels, and would have made a great technical architect. In fact, Rahul’s technical skills have saved the day for on more than one occasion.

A particularly difficult account springs to mind. It was a company run by a hard-boiled individual that neither I nor any of our technical people could ever seem to get close to and consequently could never deliver much to. We asked Rahul to join us on a call to this difficult customer. In the course of the business meeting Rahul noticed a picture of the man beaming with pride as he stood next to a young woman in a basketball uniform. William asked about the picture and then struck up a long conversation about the subtleties of women’s basketball and what turned out to be the man’s daughter. To make a long story short we left hours later with new business in an account that has grown to be our fourth largest.

I could continue on with more glowing accounts of Rahul, but will instead simply say that I really do think the world of him and respect him greatly. I am quite sure that his well rounded experience under my guidance will enhance your repute and values. I would strongly recommend him for an admission to your Graduate program preferably with financial aid and Assistant ship that you may have to offer to a deserving student. He would be a tremendous asset in any company.

Also Read:  Top 10 tips for writing a winning Letter of Recommendation (LoR)



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