Statement of Purpose for MS in Management Studies
I am an engineer by profession, but an artist by passion. I like to think differently, innovate artistically, beautify processes and improve people’s lives. Show business has always fascinated me, for this very reason, I have been working with a Mumbai based theatre group called “Banjara” as their financial advisor. My primary responsibilities at Banjara included gathering & distributing...
SOP for MS in Computer Networking
This SOP is completely written by me with no copying or help whatsoever. I have purposefully not included info about my childhood schooling or how i got into my college because it is not exactly related to my aim of MS in Networking. Also i have not included details about my final year projects as the were in the...
SOP for MS in Aerospace Engineering
Flight is a cardinal fascination for me and for many aerospace engineers who are awe inspired and galvanized by it. We can move through water without boats and move across land without cars, but we can’t fly without machines. We can walk by taking a single step and swim by holding our breath, but to fly, we have to...
Statement of Purpose for Master of Science in Computer Science
From my childhood, I was one who was impatient and always took deep interest in getting involved in something new- be it sports or other activities. I moved from cricket to tennis, then to playing guitar, from basketball to swimming and lot more. But one thing that fascinated me and steadfastly gripped my interest is the love and curiosity...
What is Statement of Purpose and How to write one?
What is Statement of Purpose? How to write Statement of Purpose? What to write on SOP and What not to write on SOP? How important is SOP in US University admissions. Statement of Purpose Also termed as, Statement of Interest, Essay. Personal Essay Academic Essay Personal Statement Academic Statement Professional Statement What is an SoP? An SOP is a Statement of Purpose. Basically, purpose...
SOP for MS in Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics
The urge to achieve and prove myself among the greats in the history of science has been my ambition from the day I was first introduced to the captivating concepts of science and medicine in particular. The mental ability to approach a problem with the right amalgam of logic and reasoning has supported me in inching towards my goal....
SOP for MS in Bio medical Engineering
The wonders that science and technology have unfolded before us are not limited to time and space .My aim in life is to accumulate this diverse knowledge from all over the world. With this cherished goal in my mind, I wish to state in the following paragraphs, my viewpoints and the rational behind my application to the graduate studies...
Statement of Purpose for MS in Civil Engineering
“Education is a tool that puts one on a fast track to acquiring knowledge and personality that sets one apart from the crowd. It is one bottom less hole; no matter how much one pours himselfinto it, he thirsts for more.” I can still vividly recall the memory of the day I saw the labs of civil engineering department in...
Statement of Purpose for Computer Engineering
The ever increasing applications of computers in technological development demand more efficient networking. Coming from a background of Electronics and Communication Engineering, I have developed a fascination to probe into the arena of Networking in general and Computer Networks in particular which posses a challenging task in interconnecting PC’s and Laptops. This cultivated my interest to take Computer Engineering...
Statement of Purpose for Management Information Systems (MS in MIS)
There is an old paradigm that says, "To stay where you are, keep running". Today I realize how true it is because unless we keep track of the changes and advances being made we will be considered pariah. As I stand at the threshold of completing my undergraduate study, after carefully contemplating the various career options open to me...