Home Travel & Living How to Buy Health Insurance in USA?

How to Buy Health Insurance in USA?


Health Insurance is the most important thing you need to buy as soon as you reach USA. This articles talks about health insurance costs at US universities, health insurance deductibles, how the insurance system works etc.

Health Insurance System in USA

Hospital costs and medical bills are very high in USA. For example, In India we pay 50-200 rupees for doctor visit when you have cold or cough. But in USA you may need to pay around $ 50 – 150 for a doctor visit with the same symptoms
So, mostly everybody in USA take health insurance to reduce the money spending for hospital bills. If you have health insurance you will pay no money or just couple of Dollars.

Price of Health Insurance in USA for Students

Usually students will pay $600 to 1000 / semester. Students at universities will be charges very low price for health insurance premiums.

If you get assistantship like TA/RA/GA university will pay the Health insurance cost for you since your are university’s employee.

What is Health Insurance Deductible?

Eventhough you have health insurance it won’t cover all your health bills. You need to pay bills until certain amount is met which is called as Deductible.

Top Health Insurance Providers in USA

1) Bluecross Blue Shield
2) Aetna
3) United Health Group

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