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How to Apply for PR After Studies in Germany

How to Apply for PR After Studies in Germany

If you are planning to work or continue your stay in Germany after your studies, the first thing that should strike your mind is How to Apply for Permanent Residence (PR) After Studies in Germany

Before jumping on the procedures and some other related things, let’s know what is German Permanent Residence or German Settlement Permit?

A German Settlement Permit is a permanent residence for international students or employees who have lawfully spend some years in Germany. With PR, you can stay in Germany as long as you can. You can study, work and even bring your family members in Germany having the PR. 

You may have some common questions regarding PR like:

  • I don’t know exactly when I will be receiving my PR. 
  • When I will be able to get unlimited residence in Germany after studies. 
  • What are the procedures for applying for PR in Germany?
  • What are the documents required to apply for PR successfully?

And some more!

Before knowing about the procedures, rules, and regulations, let’s see what “The Residence Law” of Germany says about PR for students:

“A student who is a foreigner and got his degree from a German university can get a PR if:

  • He has completed his study properly in Germany. 
  • He has been living in Germany for the last two years and working. 

Yes! That’s how simple are the basic requirements if you want to apply for the PR. But students usually get it tough to understand coz they are not good in the German language!

What are the Requirements to Apply for Permanent Residence in Germany?

From applying for the PR to getting information about the same, and anything related is straightforward and smooth. The policies for permanent residence for international students are also very clear from the German government. All the details are also available on the website but written in German. Here we have summarized the basic requirements to apply for PR in Germany:

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NOTE: Not all these documents/poofs are always required. It depends on individuals’ status of stay on a student visa or job-seeking visa. 

  • Duly completed application form. 
  • Valid national passport with a valid residence permit. 
  • 1 or 2 biometric photographs. 
  • Degree awarding certificate: Bachelors, Masters or Ph.D. degree from one of the public or government recognized universities. 
  • Some private institutions can even be not the German government recognized. So, you have to do your research. 
  • You have to understand the difference between state-recognized universities, recognized universities in Germany, and German recognized universities. 
  • Evidence of employment for the last couple of years. 
  • Employment contract (if you haven’t completed two years after completing your studies). 
  • Proof of previous freelance work (if you have worked as a freelancer).
  • Proof of accommodation and registration (If you didn’t reside in university residence/hostel).
  • Residence permit for at least a couple of years. 
  • Payment records of your social contribution: You should have paid at least 24 months of general insurance or health insurance or pension or something similar like that. 
  • If you are working in a company and if you have insurance, you will have to pay half of the amount while the concerned company will pay the other half.
  • You have to know properly which type of insurance coverage is applicable/valid for applying for permanent residence.
  • Documents related to your tax payments. 
  • If you are below 30 and you have secured a job, and you are paying for normal health insurance, you can successfully apply for PR without much fuss. 
  • As soon as you find a job, you learn German to B1 level; almost all the requirements are fulfilled for PR. That’s it!
  • Declaration about social security benefit (if any).
  • Evidence of current self-employment/current employment.
Also Read:  Complete Guide For Studying Bachelors In Germany

Invest some time and money in learning the German language. Especially if you are planning to stay in Germany after your studies. According to the stats, only 0.5% of Indians genuinely put some efforts to learn the German language. And only 1% of all the students speak German frequently.

That’s unacceptable. It won’t only hamper your chances of getting a proper job but also affects your social life. So, try to spend some time in learning the German language. At least to the B1 level. It will always keep you in better space. 

Where to Submit the Application Form for PR?

If you fulfill all the required criteria for PR application, you have to get in touch with local Foreigner’s Registration Office. It is the key authority in Germany that can check everything related to the PR application. If all the requirements are fulfilled, you will be awarded German PR. Depending on your nationality, you may have to ask to visit some other departments. You will be informed appropriately if that’s the case. 

Some DO’S DON’T’S if you seriously want to apply for German PR

  • Always try to be a nice and disciplined person, whether you are on a student visa or job seeker visa. 
  • Never, repeating, never break the public rules like residence rules, international students or employees’ rules, rules related accommodation, vehicle, public transport penalty, and traffic, etc. 
  • Always look to improve your educational marks and records. It can have a great effect on your chances of getting PR in Germany. 
  • Keep all the documents ready to make sure you don’t face issues when you are ready to meet the officials. 
  • Be ready with some honest answers about “why you want to settle in Germany”.

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    • It is recognized as a private university and known for charging exorbitant fees. If a consultant has recommended you apply to GISMA, then it’s pure business as he will get EUR2000/admission. My personal suggestion is not to go for GISMA or any other private German universities for that matter.

  1. Could you please tell me that Hochschule Bremen or (IGC – International Graduate Centre) is coming under German government? I am studying at IGC, MBA in International Tourism Management.

  2. Hi,

    Could you please tell me that Hochschule Bremen or (IGC – International Graduate Centre) is coming under German government? I am studying at IGC, MBA in International Tourism Management.

  3. What are the procedure if I woshed to start my own business after MBA in germany and what if I failed in the failed to settle my own business ?

  4. Hey, Many Thanks for this informative write up.
    I have a query, regarding the requirement for PR. I looked up on the German govt article and also couldn’t get much clarity to it.
    In my case, I finished my Master’s in May 2019. However, during my studies, I have worked for a company for almost 2 years (no tax exemption, as my student job salary was > 1000 Eur /month) and paid health insurance + pension taxes. Since May 2019, I am working for another company as full time with a EU blue card.
    I wonder if I could use the years from my student job + current job to already apply for PR, as I have been paying all necessary taxes for both .
    Would be very kind of you if you could provide any opinion on this.

  5. Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated.
    I have a C1 certificate, so the language certificate isn’t an issue. I wrote to the Migration office and was surprised to get a quick feedback from them. They say as long as I have paid my RV (pension tax) for 33 months (which I did with my student job + FT) , I should be able to apply for PR. I would give it a shot and go for it. I shall post here in case if it didn’t work (or if it worked !)

  6. The job has to be full-time, or part time 20-25 hours per week is also accepted for Permanent RP? I work on a field (social work) that I have graduated from German public University.

  7. It is great blog post. Helpful and Informative tips. I am always read your blog. I like it. Thanks for sharing this information with us.

  8. Hello,
    Thank you for the provided details.
    It would great to have your opinion over this case:
    – Having a german degree (PhD) from German University
    – working more tha 36 months (full time) in the profession.
    For getting the PR, is it mandatory the “Integration kurs” (with B1)?

  9. Very informative thank you. I have a question regarding job rules in PR.
    I am on student visa but i worked 6 months full time so now I took a break. So does this 6 months job include in two years? I know part time jobs won’t be included. Thank you

  10. Hi, I am waiting for my offer letter from arden university berlin study centre for Bsc Accounts and Finance , I would like to know once I finish my course what are my chances of getting a pr in germany since its a private university based in UK.

  11. I am currently working full time since 5 months with a regular work permit. I will apply for Blue Card after a month when my salary exceeds the limit.
    1) Will these 6 months be accounted for in the 2 years needed to get PR?
    2) Can I leave my work after getting PR and study masters full time?

  12. Hi.Hope you are well.
    Have a question.would appreciate your reply.

    Is university of Bremen comes under the recognised list of german university?

    Thanks in advance..

  13. If a non-EU student finishes his full-time 1-year masters course online (while remaining in his own country; didn’t get a study permit due to restricted visa slots), would he be eligible for the post study residence permit of 18 months?

  14. hello… i completed my Master’s in Latvia… if i startd work in Germany. it will possible to PR…if possible how long i have to do work… or any other criteria for who not completed degree in Germany.

  15. Will I be eligible to apply for PR if I already have a masters from German University and now I am doing my Ph.D in German university and have paid pension for 24 months already. But the only thing is my pay is 65% with 30hrs of work per week.

    Also is a B1 course attendance certificate enough? Since I took it from the university and didn’t have an exam in the end.

  16. If after finishing your master’s degree you still havent met all the requirements to apply for a pr, will you be given some kind of transition visa so you can stay in the country longer?

  17. I want to know if hochschule Magdeburg is a government recognized university.
    What is the percentage of Pr approval for students after their studies?


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