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GRE Score For Stanford University


Are you planning to apply to Stanford University?

Quickly go through this article to get a brief idea about GRE scores required for Stanford? How much GRE you should get for admission into Stanford. What is the Average GRE score required for Admission into Graduate programs.?
Stanford University is world’s leading research institute and ranks #2 in its Engineering programs (Graduate and PhD) according to US News.

Here is a compilation of GRE scores required for Stanford University for its masters and PhD programs in engineering.

Average GRE Score For Master’s Programs

GRE Verbal Reasoning Score Range : 157 – 168
GRE Quantitative Reasoning Score Range : 163 – 168
GRE Analytical Writing Score Range : 4.0 – 5.5

For Doctoral Programs in Engineering

GRE Verbal Reasoning Score Range : 158 – 168
GRE Quantitative Reasoning Score Range : 164 – 168
GRE Analytical Writing Score Range : 4.0 – 5.5

In additiona to Strong GRE Exam scores you need to have great academics, Statement of Purpose , Letter of recommendation from renowned profs will certainly put you in great position to be considered by Stanford. Similarly you should see data about GRE scores for top universities before you decide not to apply to them.

Minium GRE score or Cut off GRE score for Stanford would be aroung 325.

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