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7 cheapest colleges in Canada for international students

7 cheapest colleges in Canada for international students

Studying in Canada is not that cheap. It costs around 15,000 to 18,000 Canadian dollars per year. If you’re looking for the most affordable options Canada has to offer, look no further

1. NBCC, Moncton, NB

NBCC is the New Brunswick community college located in Moncton. The college also has some campuses around the province. In their business administration program, you get a secondary school diploma or high school diploma and an English exam. Some colleges accept both adults and do lingos while some don’t, so pay attention to that.

The first year of studies in NBCC cost around 12,000 Canadian dollars, and the second year costs approximately 11,000 Canadian dollars. So, the total for two years is going to be about 24,000 Canadian dollars.

Again studying in a Canadian college, let’s say in Toronto, costs around 18,000 Canadian dollars. Plus, you will also have to pay for your housing, expenses, food, entertainment, etc. If we talk about tuition only, 24,000 Canadian dollars for two years is a pretty good deal. The fees of 12,000 Canadian dollars a year is lower than the average, which allows you to save a lot of money. 

Requirements: The following is required if you want to get into the college of the business administration program.

  • A secondary school diploma
  • IELTS 6.0
  • The band not less than 5.5 
  • A score of 100 out of 160 in the Duo lingo test ( if you want to pass the test )

2. Medicine Hat College, Medicine Hat, AB

If you don’t want to study in New Brunswick, you can go to Alberta. Alberta has a college named Medicine Hat. The college has nothing to do with medicine, though. One year of studies at Medicine Hat college costs around 10,673 Canadian dollars. The total for two years is going to be around 21,346 Canadian dollars, which are again not bad. 

Requirements: The following is required if you want to get into this college of the business administration program 

  • IELTS 6.0 
  • Band not less than 6.0 

3. Holland College, Charlottetown, PEI

Holland College is located in Charlottetown, PEI, the most beautiful city on Canada’s east coast, Prince Edward Island. This college also offers a two-year business administration program that costs around 10,850 Canadian Dollars per year. So the total for two years is about 22,000 Canadian dollars.

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Requirements: The following is required if you want to get into the college of the business administration program.

  • High school diploma
  • IELTS 6.5 
  • Band not less than 6.0 
  • A score of 105 out of 160 in the Duo lingo test ( if you want to pass the test )

The band score is a bit higher level. However, the duo lingo test scores are not bad compared to some colleges that ask for 115. So a 105 is a meager score.

4. Northern Lights College, Dawson Creek, BC

Northern Lights College is located in British Columbia, in the city called Dawson Creek. For those of you who don’t like winter or cold weather, this is the best-located college for you. The tuition fees for one year is only 9,960 Canadian dollars. So the total for two years is around 19,920 Canadian Dollars, which is pretty affordable, and you will not find anything like that in Toronto or GTA.

Requirements: The following is required if you want to get into this college of the business administration program.

  • IELTS 6.0
  • Band not less than 5.5 

Also, Northern Lights College does not accept the Duo lingo test. So it is essential to pay attention to these requirements when choosing between IELTS, TOEFL, and Duolingo. 

5. College of the North Atlantic, ST. John’s, NL

College of the North Atlantic is located in Saint John’s Newfoundland and Labrador. Because of its location in the Atlantic Provinces, it is named College of Northern Atlantic.

When you pay less than 10,000 Canadian Dollars for your studies, you have to expect that it will be in a small city or village, somewhere outside the popular areas like big cities like Toronto or GTA. This is an important thing to consider when you’re trying to choose your college or where you want to study, etc.

Requirements: The following is required if you want to get into this college of the business administration program.

  • IELTS 6.0
  • Band not less than 5.5 

Also, they don’t take the Duolingo test. The tuition fees are only 8,250 Canadian dollars for a year. So, the total for two years is going to be around 16,500 Canadian dollars. This is amazingly cheap because, in Toronto, you pay about 18,000 for just one year, and here you can finish a two-year program for that amount of money.

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6. Canada College, Montreal, QC

Canada College is located in Montreal, which is a big city in Canada. Canada College is very new and has just three programs now, one of them being the business administration. The college will grow, and they will have more programs eventually, but for now, they offer just three programs. The tuition fees for Canada College is so low. It is only 8,250 Canadian dollars per year, making 16,500 Canadian dollars for two years. 

If you want to live in a big city and go to a college that doesn’t cost a fortune, Canada College is your perfect match. 

Requirements: The following is required if you want to get into this college of the business administration program.

  • IELTS 6.0
  • Band not less than 5.5 

Also, the college does not ask for the Duolingo test. This campus is located Downtown Montreal so that you can be in the city compared to all the colleges mentioned before, far from big cities. 

7. Herzing College, Montreal, QC

Herzing College is in Montreal. It is the cheapest college in Montreal, providing one year of studying at just 7,925 Canadian dollars. So, the program only costs 15,850 Canadian dollars for two years. This makes it twice cheaper than studying in other colleges of Toronto, Ottawa, or Vancouver. This is perfect if you want to save money on your studies, but you still want to go to Canada.

Requirements: The following is required if you want to get into this college of the business administration program.

  • IELTS 6.5
  • Band not less than 6.0

The score required is a little higher than the other. The best part of the college is that they offer an internship. Isn’t it a fantastic deal? You go to college, pay just 16,000 Canadian Dollars for two years of studying, and get an internship that helps you work and get the experience to get a job after finishing this program. 

Also read: Scholarships Indian students can avail to study in Canada

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