Home Study in the USA All About F1, H1B & Green Card US Universities with Lowest Visa Success Rate

US Universities with Lowest Visa Success Rate


Hundreds of Universities in US. what is the Visa Success rate for those universities? Out of All applicants how many will get F1 Visa? List of Universities that can get success in US Student Visa Interview.

There are some rare US universities with highest visa success rate. Almost 80% of the students applied to those universities will get Visa. Universities with lowest Visa Success rate are the ones that have less success in F1 Visa interview. Sometimes students attending to good universities might also see visa rejection based on many other factors. Success of F1 Visa Interview depends upon the university you select. Don’t caught in the trap of consultancies by applying to low visa rate colleges. These statistics are not from any Authorized agency. These are based on observation.

US Universities with Highest Visa Success Rate

USC ranked top among schools with high visa success rate. (Based on my observation from Students in MSinUS Groups)

University of Southern California
University of California, Berkeley
Texas A&M University | College Station
Stanford University
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
University at Buffalo – University at Buffalo
Ohio State University
Harvard University
Georgia Tech

US Universities with Lowest Visa Success Rate

I know few students rejected visa to these universities. These universities have low visa chances in F1 Visa Interview based on my observation in MSinUS Facebook Group, Forum, Orkut Communities. Rejection chances are High for these schools. It is your wish whether to apply to these schools or not. Some of these schools might be reputed ones. Reason for rejection of visa might be student’s faults in interview.

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Usually, universities which recruit from Study Abroad Consultants will see more visa rejection rate. Visa success rate is low if you are going to a university suggested by consultancy and if they have tie-up with university.

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