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Statement of Purpose for MS in Electronics

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Technology and its myriad aspects fascinate me! Specifically the Electronics and allied systems that pervade all areas of business in today’s world. Right from robots to electronic devices/products to making inroads into fields like Communication, Entertainment, Health and Banking it has brought about vast changes in one’s life style and surroundings. There has been a revolution in the field of robotics, automation and control system with several applications being developed to make the life easier and user friendly. I have focused my academic pursuits towards this end. My professional goal is to make these automated products available to every single person and make this world a better place to live in. After my Masters I would like to establish a company in my motherland and would wish to expose good quality products to common man.

A strong drive to perform and excel enabled me to secure above average scores throughout my academic period. With talent, consistency and hard work, my efforts bore fruit and I am proud to share with you my scores:

> 84% in Secondary Education
> 88% during my Higher Secondary Tests
> 75% in my Under Graduate course

I would like to apply for Master’s program in Information and Automation Engineering from University of Bremen as the courses offered such as Dynamic Systems, Control theory, Process Automation, Robotics, Advanced control systems lab, Process automation lab, Communications networks from the main lectures and Semiconductor devices, Communications Technology, Integrated systems, Integrated circuits, Design of Micro-systems and Micro-electronics and Micro actuators from surplus lectures are very helpful for me to fulfil my professional goal.

I do not have any professional experience in this background, as there were no internships provided by companies in my city. About my personality, I am a very friendly and lovable guy who likes to be more social. Tasks which are difficult and challenging are the area which interests me. The important skill that I possess is the leadership skills. The following few examples explains about this skill. Final year projects at my college were done in groups and our project was stuck at some point, the initiative was taken up by me to solve the issue. Also, I had been the class representative for two consecutive years. Many events were planned under the leadership of me in my college. A difference could be made by me as my belief is in “Work is worship”. I not only motivate myself but also inspire others in my surrounding to work hard which would help in mutual growth of everyone.

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I believe that, the perfect match for this program would be me as the course contains lectures that interest me and it would also help me achieve my goal. Being an avid reader I kept myself abreast with latest technology up-gradation and research topics specifically in the area of Robots and Automation Technologies. This kindled a spark within me to build few robots and automated gadgets for fun. During my Higher Secondary Education two models were built by me, one is a simple robotic arm which could be controlled by a

remote which I applied for playing basketball with it and second, IR detector which I applied for determining the exact positions at which the cars finish a race. These two models were presented in the Science Exhibition held at our College and it was awarded as the best projects. This motivated me even more, in my under graduate course an automated mini project titled “Image Processing and Control” was conducted by me at a reputed technical research institute in India.

There were two main applications of this project. One, provide safety to vehicle drivers’ when they fall asleep and second, for blind students to learn things with little help. This was carried out under the guidance of a leading expert Mr. R. Sudhir Rao from the prestigious Indian Institute of Science (IISc).

My final year project titled “Power saving by Automation and Control” conducted at my college under the guidance of Asst Prof. G.A. Lalithamma. The main aim of the project was to control or limit the power loss that was happening even though when the device was not used. When the devices are in standby mode they consume power, hence power is wasted. We created a control system that would recognise the state of the device and cut-off the power thereby reducing loss. Results from these projects were remarkable and also I gained appreciation from my professors and my friends.

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Besides academics, I partook in extra-curricular activities close to my heart. I have participated in several sports, essay and quiz competitions winning prizes. With excellent planning and organizing – I have organized events, raised funds and managed overall logistical arrangements. Throughout all this, my family has been my constant support encouraging me to do well in life.

I believe that my credentials, a strong grasp of fundamentals in Electrical & Electronics Engineering backed with project experience of working in the area of automation and simple robots will augur well towards a fruitful experience in obtaining my Masters in Information and Automation from University of Bremen.

Every aspect of Germany mesmerises me. Germany’s development in every field such as innovations, technologies, companies have always caught my attention. Also the support of German Government to international students by providing all the help we require. Germen universities provide equipped technologies and instruments, lectures from experienced Professors and many more for the students to learn effectively. They have a well organised system where-in along with studying for the 3 semesters we get an internship so that we can implement what we have learnt and in the final semester it would be helpful to do a higher end project with ease. These are the reasons why I would want to study in Germany. Further Germany has achieved major strides in the field of Automation and Robotics. I hope to be a part of this vibrant technology sector. I believe that the German Education system and the support which the Government provides for students can serve as a model for my country.

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