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SOP for Computer Science and Engineering

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I would like to introduce myself as Mr. XXXX, a young engineering undergraduate from India. Having done an inspiring course in Computer Science and Engineering, I would like to put to use this knowledge to do my Masters in Science. This would give me the leading edge in technology and the information I require. For the past few decades mankind is advancing towards the unknown realms of science and technology. This advancement is to make life easy and to increase human comfort at home and at work; I would like to be an integral part of such betterment. For this, research would be of prime importance with hands on experience in real time. My ambition is to work at the forefront of the technology with the ability to find innovative solutions to the changing needs.

I did my schooling in GKD Matriculation Higher Secondary School. I stepped into the field of computers only during my 8th standard when I joined in Intellect Computer Centre for studying ‘Diploma in Computer Applications’. With much enthusiasm I learned new things and on seeing my dedication the centre head allowed me to teach to the newcomers and it was a great experience. With the blooming interest in research I joined with my friends and did a research project in ‘Common Diseases in Periyanaicken Palayam’ which got selected to present in National Children’s Science Congress 2001 organized by NCSTC Network, New Delhi and Tamil Nadu Science Forum. With the intention to learn advanced concepts in the computer field I joined CSC Computer Centre for the ‘Honors Diploma in Computer Applications’ during my 10th standard holidays and learned a lot of advanced concepts.

The first competition I took part was a state level web designing event conducted by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore as a part of ‘Technocrat 2003’ and I won First Prize. Then I participated in software designing event ‘Bytes’ conducted by Shri Nehru Vidyalaya as a part of ‘Neo Fusion 2003’ and won Third Prize. On seeing the involvement and dedication that I showed in computers our faculty selected me as one of the project coordinators for the Computer Talent Exhibition in school.

The International event ‘Intel Science Talent Discovery Fair’ was organized and conducted by ‘Intel’. I presented my project titled ‘A study of Natural Dyes in Textile Industry’ at national level which was held at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad was yet another milestone. My focus was on Environment Conservation and the project was one among the best 118 selected out of 1781. My learning experience helped me to focus more on computer fields further. I was one of the nominees for ‘Young Achiever Award 2005’, an encouragement for the budding scientists.

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With soaring ambition in research I joined XXXXXXX, Coimbatore affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, to pursue my undergraduate. The teaching faculties were very helpful and made me aware of new concepts in the field of computers. I was honored to be in charge for the ‘Technical Events’ and as web administrator consecutively for three years for the ‘Cynosure 08’, a national level technical symposium. I have presented papers in many national level technical symposiums and got third prize in ‘EPOCH 08’ conducted by Kongu Engineering College with paper titled ‘Emergency Handling System using Embedded RTOS’. I was one among the hundred students who were shortlisted to attend the ‘Entrepreneurship Workshop’ conducted as a part of ‘Kurukshetra 08’ (One of the Asia’s biggest Technical Symposium). I also took part in ‘Scrapheap Challenge’ conducted by PSG College of Technology as a part of ‘Kriya 08’ which demonstrates my practical implementation skills. I have good managerial skills too which sought me the title ‘Best Manager’ in ‘Xplore 08’ conducted by VLB Janakiammal College of Engineering and Technology. During my vacation and spare time I went to in-plant training to enhance my practical skills.

My thirst for technology urged me to write ‘GATE 2008’ and scored 92.4 percentile. GATE is the best exam to prove our technical skills and I was ranked 1355 among nearly 18000. We students from various colleges joined and formed Covai User Group (CUG) in which I was one of the core members. As a part of CUG we formed Students Software Solutions (SSS) to get a feel of corporate world. SSS and CUG were only for the students and by the students. I feel proud to be one of the Board of Directors of SSS. Then we formed 17 subsidiaries as a part of SSS and I was elected as Chief Executive Officer for one of the subsidiary ‘HappySoft Corporation’, which deals with web designing, application development and log designing with 35 student employees. With the help of SSS we conducted a massive event ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’, the biggest in the history of students with the three most valuable CEO’s in the world. Added to these I was a school football team player playing at right back. Our team was runners in both AMS meet and District level.

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You might ask as to why a degree from United States of America only. Computers contributed nearly 10% of United States of America GDP. The United Sates of America shows the way ahead of any other nation in computer technology, manufacture and sales and would thus provide me the best infrastructure and know-how currently available. Besides, it is a country which patronizes Science and Technology in the way to achieve social progress and improve human life. All these factors coupled together make the United States of America an ideal place to pursue my further studies.

The distinguished faculty and excellent facilities of your university make the graduation program ideally suited to my professional goals. Your university provides me a dynamic atmosphere, which will shape me to be a thinker and a learner. The flexibility of the curriculum will give me the broad-based education which will widen the scope of my knowledge and skills. The diversity of the student’s body will open my mind to new influences, new ideas and new ways of doing things. The world is literally becoming a global village where opportunities for work are transcending physical space. With the Cyberspace connections, Indian professionals at the pursuit of knowledge are increasingly contributing to the global work force. The international education will give me the training and the caliber to meet the global challengers. I look forward to being an active contributing member of the student community in your University.

Preservance is the key to success. Knowledge with dedication is highly essential to climb the ladder and reach the pinnacle of success. I am sure, the quality knowledge and impeccable guidance will mould me to be in the learning mode all my life opening the way for constant growth as a person and a professional. To conclude, I would like to state that if granted admission into your university I would perform to the best of my abilities and hope to acquire skills that will help me realize my dreams. Finally I take this opportunity to thank you for enabling me to express myself.

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