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MS in Civil Engineering Universities in USA


Masters in Civil Engineering is one of the traditional engineering branches. USA has good universities for MS, PhD in Civil engineering and good job opportunities for civil engineers in these Cyber years. This article lists civil engineering universities based on GRE scores.

Popular Specializations in MS in Civil engineering are 1) Structural Engineering 2) Transportation Engineering 3) Environmental Engineering 4) Water Resources. Graduate program with Thesis is better for MS in Civil engineering students.

MS in Civil Engineering Universities – GRE 325+

Below ones are the TOP universities for MS in Civil Engineering. Along with GRE and TOEFL, You need strong academics to get into these universities.

Carnegie Mellon University
Cornell University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Purdue University, West Lafayette
Stanford University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
University of Texas, Austin ,Cockrell
Virginia Tech

MS in Civil Engineering Universities – GRE 320+

California Institute of Technology
Lehigh University ,Rossin
North Carolina State University
Northwestern University ,McCormick
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Princeton University
Texas A&M University, College Station ,Look
University at Buffalo, SUNY
University of California, Davis
University of California, Los Angeles ,Samueli
University of California, San Diego ,Jacobs
University of Colorado, Boulder
University of Maryland, College Park ,Clark
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
University of Southern California ,Viterbi
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Masters in Civil Engineering Universities – GRE Score 315+

MS in Civil Engineering Universities – GRE 300+

Auburn University ,Ginn
Brigham Young University ,Fulton
Case Western Reserve University
Clarkson University
Clemson University
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Michigan Technological University
Missouri University of Science & Technology
Oklahoma State University
Oregon State University
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
University of Arizona
University of Cincinnati
University of Delaware
University of Kansas
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
University of Nevada, Reno
University of Pittsburgh ,Swanson
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
University of Utah
University of Virginia
Utah State University
Vanderbilt University
Washington State University

MS in Civil Engineering Universities – GRE 275 – 305

CUNY, City College ,Grove
Florida A&M University – Florida State University
George Mason University ,Volgenau
George Washington University
Illinois Institute of Technology ,Armour
Kansas State University
Mississippi State University ,Bagley
Montana State University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Mexico State University
North Dakota State University
Ohio University ,Russ
Old Dominion University ,Batten
Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Stevens Institute of Technology ,Schaefer
Syracuse University
Texas Tech University ,Whitacre
Tufts University
University of Alabama
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
University of Central Florida
University of Colorado, Denver
University of Connecticut
University of Hawaii, Manoa
University of Houston ,Cullen
University of Illinois, Chicago
University of Kentucky
University of Maine
University of Massachusetts, Lowell ,Francis
University of Miami
University of Missouri
University of Nevada, Las Vegas ,Hughes
University of New Hampshire
University of New Mexico
University of North Carolina, Charlotte ,Lee
University of Oklahoma
University of Rhode Island
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
University of Vermont
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
University of Wyoming
Wayne State University
West Virginia University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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