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Prof name /Title,
Institution Name
A clear thinking, level headed individual is how I describe Ms. XXXXXXXXX. This quality of her, became evident during my interaction with her, as an Assistant Professor taking her Computer Science courses. My acquaintance with her, spread over 2 years, has given me an opportunity to observe her closely and judge her capabilities.
A student with excellent ability for logical and intuitive thinking, She has proved herself to be a talented and brilliant student. Her ability to understand a problem and to conceptualize & analyze a situation needs a special mention. Apart from being technically sound, Ms.Kiranmai has shown a penchant for grasping and visualizing practical difficulties and this, per se, makes a potential research student.
A good, wholesome personality coupled with leadership qualities makes her asset to any team She may work with. Her aplomb and alacrity wonderfully blended with sociableness will be a great source of motivation for the members of the team She is in.
I would rate her in the Top 10% students in her class. I am confident that She, as a student with great zeal for higher academic pursuits and aptitude for research, will do well. I strongly recommend her candidature for your graduate program with full financial assistance.