Home Study in Germany All About German Universities KAAD Scholarship Programs For Germany

KAAD Scholarship Programs For Germany

Complete Guide For Studying Bachelors In Germany

You are interested in studying in Germany ?

You should consult these websites for a first orientation.

The Site of our colleagues from DAAD offers broad information on universities, study programs, and also on ‘Studying German’. Particularly helpful is the DAAD Research Explorer. We also recommend the Hochschulkompass offered by the Conference of German University Presidents.

The website of the Protestant scholarship programs offers information for Protestant applicants.


You are getting ready for doing post-graduate studies in Germany ?

The following websites may be of interest to you:

Most German diplomatic representations have their own homepages. The DAAD also offers information about living, studying, and doing research in Germany. We also recommend the most informative site “Facts about Germany“. For general information about the town or city you plan to stay the site of the Association of German Municipalities (Deutscher Städtetag) offers important links. For finding accommodations you should contact the office of Student Services (Studentenwerk) of your university.

You are close to returning home and looking for employment ?

You should not miss these sites:

First of all, you cannot start too early thinking of how to set up your professional reintegration at home. Doing internships and gaining work experience is a first step. Internship fairs offer IAESTE and AIESEC. Seminars and further advice on professional re-integration is also offered by World University Service.  Another organization that might help you finding a job back home is CIM. For financial assistance in the process of your professional reintegration you may turn to ZAV. KAAD alumni associations may sometimes also be able to help.

Also Read:  Study in Germany without IELTS or TOEFL


Scholarship Programs

Scholarship Program 1 is addressed to post-graduates and to academics living in their home countries who already gained professional experience and who are interested in postgraduate studies (or research stays) in Germany. This program is administered by regional partner committees, staffed by university professors and church representatives. Normally documents are submitted to the committee of the applicant’s home country.

In Scholarship Program 2 we sponsor advanced foreign students from developing countries who are already enrolled in a German university. Scholarship candidates must be proposed by the corresponding Campus Ministry.

The Eastern-Europe-Program – also administered by regional partner committees – focuses mainly on shorter study or research stays in Germany. Normally we expect that applicants reside in their home countries at the time of applying to KAAD through the regional partner committee.



Scholarship Program 1 

Who can apply ?

For the scholarship programme 1 of KAAD you can apply if you:

  • come from a developing or emerging country in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America and are currently living there
  • have a university degree and professional experience from your home country
  • want to acquire a master’s degree or a PhD at a German university or do a post-doctoral research project (2-6 months for established university lecturers) at a German university
  • are a Catholic Christian (or general belong to a Christian denomination). Candidates from other religions can apply if they are proposed by Catholic partners and can prove their commitment to interreligious dialogue
  • possess German language skills before starting the studies (KAAD can provide a language course of max. 6 months in Germany).


What does KAAD expect from you ?

  • Above-average performance in studies and research
  • The orientation of your studies or research towards permanent reintegration in your home region (otherwise the scholarship is turned into a loan),
  • Religious and social commitment (activities) and willingness to inter-religious dialogue.
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KAAD is working with focus- and partner countries in your region. There are so-called Partner Committees in these countries and applications are channelled via them.Applications from other countries can be considered only in exceptional cases.



Scholarship Program 2

Scholarship applications are only administered by the campus ministry of all German universities (Katholische Hochschulgemeinden [KHG] oder Katholische Studierendengemeinden [KSG]).

It is not possible to send a direct application to the KAAD.


Who can apply ?

For the scholarship programme 2 of KAAD you can apply if you:

  • come from a developing or emerging country in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America
  • are already studying at a German University,
  • want to acquire a master’s degree or a PhD at a German university (applicants for master programs may present their documents as early as during the final semester of their bachelor programs).
  • are a Catholic Christian (or – particularly for candidates from the Middle East – belong to another Christian denomination). Candidates from other religions can apply if they are proposed by Catholic partners and can prove their commitment to interreligious dialogue.
  • possess German language skills (at least general communication level).


What does KAAD expect from you?

  • Above-average performance in studies and research
  • The orientation of your studies or research towards permanent reintegration in your home region (otherwise the scholarship is turned into a loan),
  • Religious and social commitment (activities) and willingness to inter-religious dialogue.

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