Home Study in Germany All About German Universities Germany’s New Opportunity Card Draws Fewer Foreign Applicants than Expected

Germany’s New Opportunity Card Draws Fewer Foreign Applicants than Expected

Fewer foreign skilled workers than anticipated are applying for Germany’s newly launched Opportunity Card, according to a report from Bild newspaper on Thursday. Citing data from the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), Bild reported that 2,360 applications were submitted between June and the end of September, averaging around 590 applications per month. This is significantly below the government’s projection of 2,500 monthly applications, or 10,000 in total for this period.

The Opportunity Card, introduced to streamline the entry process for skilled foreign workers, allows successful applicants to enter Germany for a year without needing a permanent job offer. During this period, they can seek employment within the country.

Applicants must meet several eligibility criteria, including a secure livelihood, basic German or advanced English language skills, and at least two years of vocational training or a recognized university degree from their home country. Despite these incentives, the program has seen only modest uptake. Additionally, 15 percent of applications were declined, with 2,052 Opportunity Cards ultimately issued.

Most applicants to date have come from India, China, Turkey, Russia, and Tunisia, as revealed in the BMI’s response to an inquiry submitted by lawyer Sebastian Klaus under the Freedom of Information Act.

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