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Finding a Part-time Job in Germany For Students


Earning a bit of extra cash besides studying

A glance in your purse or wallet and it’s easy to decide: You need some cash and so a part-time job. Perhaps you’d like to gain some experience in the German job market? Or make new contacts and put yourself to the test? There are plenty of reasons why students go to work while also studying. Just like the paths to a dream job.


Waiting, cleaning, babysitting

You can best top-up your budget by taking a job at a university department, in one of the libraries or at another uni institution. Waiting is THE classic student job in cafés, pubs or bars. Other students look after guests at exhibitions and trade fairs, or work as delivery drivers and cycle couriers, go cleaning, work in a copy shop, or as a babysitter and so on.

You should also check the noticeboards (Schwarzesbrett) at uni, in the libraries, supermarkets and so on. Many unis also have a job agency service for students. Contact student services or the local job centre (Agentur für Arbeit).


Five to ten euros per hour

How much you earn on the side depends greatly on your knowledge and skills, the region and the business you would like to work in. The following generally applies: You can earn more in expensive cities like Munich, Hamburg or Cologne, but you also have to pay more for your board and lodging. Office jobs, waiting or promotional jobs are popular, as are student assistant (HiWi) jobs at a uni department, where students support their prof.

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While you can earn around six euros an hour as a cashier in a supermarket or fast-food chain, working in an office or as a promoter could well bring you up to ten euros an hour.

Please Note: Regardless of what kind of job you decide for, it’s almost impossible to completely finance yourself with secondary jobs whilst studying at the same time.


Compulsory internships do not count as work

Perhaps you want to do an internship during the semester break and wonder whether this counts as work? It’s not work, if it involves a so-called compulsory internship as specified in your study regulations.

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