Home Travel & Living Apartment Leasing and Living tips in USA

Apartment Leasing and Living tips in USA


Most of you are currently in USA and are about to rent an apartment. Here I am giving you some tips before signing apartment lease which would help you to avoid fines when you are vacating the apartment.

Apartment Leasing and Living Tips

Some tips for leasing an apartment in USA and apartment living.

Sign short-term leases

Worst thing in USA in renting an apartment is – you need to sign a lease for minimum of 6 months to 1 year. Sign the lease for lesser period like 6 months even though rent is little high for short-term leases. By doing so if you don’t like the apartment you can vacate it in short time.

Point out all Existing Damages in the apartment

When you are stepping into apartment, you need to check the apartment carefully for the existing damages. List of all the damages like stains on carpet, walls, bug problems, any problems in the kitchen, bathroom etc. You and apartment leasing office have to sign on a document by listing the existing damages so that they don’t charge you when you vacate the apartment.

Add all your Roommates to the lease

Here are some useful tips for your apartment living in USA.

If you don’t add everyone living in the apartment lease, they might not take responsibility of paying rents, electricity, internet bills on time. So adding all roommates on the lease will lessen your responsibilities. Sharing in paying any fines associated with the apartment.

Read Reviews and Check with Seniors

Read the website reviews about safety and cleanness. Check with the seniors and ask the feedback about fines the apartments manager will charge you before vacating the apartment.

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Don’t make stains on the Carpet

Stains on the carpet may need replacing the whole carpet for which you may need to pay. So, be careful with carpet.

Bug Treatment monthly once

Frequent bug treatment to apartment will keep them away.

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