Home Study in Germany All About German Universities Top 20 MS Computer Science Programs in Europe

Top 20 MS Computer Science Programs in Europe

Complete Guide For Studying Bachelors In Germany

It’s mid-November, and as usual, I got flooded with queries regarding college lists, admission procedures, application deadlines and availability of scholarships. Not a surprise to me, a lion share of queries have been from the Computer Science and Information Technology graduates. However, there is a difference this time. Unlike last two years (I was used to getting queries from college students), most of the queries are from working professionals (having work experience of 1.5 – 3.5 years). Either I am getting noticed by the matured folks, or maybe the applicants are raising their bar after realizing the competition of the admission process for foreign universities.

Whatever the case might be, I couldn’t deal with all queries on a personalized basis. So, to make up for that, I am writing this blog post in an attempt to answer the majority of those queries – the best universities for Masters in Computer Science with Scholarship opportunities, top computer science universities for Indian students in terms of ROI, best computer science programs in Europe, programs with a good job opportunities, programs with low or no tuition fees, and so on.

Top 20 MS Computer Science Programs with Scholarships and Low or No Tuition Fees (Free Education) in Europe 2018

MSc in Applied Computer Science – Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

The program will provide you the knowledge and the skills necessary for mastering key technologies used to develop web applications, mobile apps, and computer games. You will gain experience in developing applications, tools, and systems to be used in the digital world. You will gain scientific and analytical skills that will help you in solving such problems.


  • Web
  • Mobile
  • Games
  • Colour and image processing
  • Media processing

Program Link: Click Here

Master in Computer Science – UiT: Arctic University of Norway

This is a great program for those interested in graphics, computer games, and simulations. You realize that our daily lives soon will become part of the virtual reality, and you want to participate in developing this future. After finishing the course, you will be able to develop advanced computer games, virtual reality and to create realistic simulations. You get a thorough theoretical and practical basis for advanced software development, with a special focus on the game – and simulation development and learning systems.
Tuition Fees: No
Program Link: Click Here
Application Deadline: Dec 1, 2017

Master’s in Computer Science – KTH Sweden

The master’s programme in Computer Science provides you with outstanding career opportunities and excellent opportunities for doctoral studies all over the world. After graduation you can pursue careers as, for example, software developer, IT Consultant, game developer, IT designer, IT project manager, systems engineer or business process engineer.
The programme starts with compulsory courses in advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer security, internet protocol and research methodology to give you an insight into different areas of computer science. In the second term, you choose one of the seven specializations to gain in-depth knowledge in a field in computer science. The specializations are closely connected to the department’s world-class research groups.


  • Data Science
  • Interaction Design
  • Cognitive Systems
  • Scientific Computing
  • Software Technology
  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Visualization and Interactive Graphics

Tuition Fees: INR 12 Lacs per year (appx.); SEK 310,000 for 2 years

Scholarships:  Up to full scholarships is available

MSc Computer Science – University of Gothenburg / Chalmers University of Technology

The program great freedom in choosing among courses in a wide range of areas including: Algorithms, Interaction Design, Computer Graphics, Computer Architecture, Data Communication, Dependability, Digital Systems, Distributed Computing, Hardware Verification, Logical Methods, Machine Learning, Networks, Real-Time Systems, Parallel Computing, Program Analysis, Programming Languages, the Science of Programming, Security, and Software Engineering. These are areas where we have strong, internationally recognized research groups which are the driving force behind the education.

MSc Computer Science – University College Dublin

This is a flexible programme that draws on a rich and varied portfolio of subjects and classes to allow students to work towards a highly personalized degree that is tailored to their individual goals and prior experience. This is a degree for students who already have a strong background in computer science, either through an undergraduate computer science degree, or a related degree together with industry experience. It furnishes both intellectual and professional development.

Within this programme, students are not presented with a fixed curriculum. Rather, they select from a large reservoir of modules provided by several schools. These modules are loosely organized into thematic streams, and students are free to select modules within or across streams. As well as modules from the UCD School of Computer Science, modules are contributed from the UCD School of Business, UCD School of Physics, UCD School of Information & Library Studies, and The NovaUCD Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre. Students enrolling in this MSc are also provided with the opportunity to work on a specialized research task and/or work as part of a research group as part of this programme.

Previous graduates are in demand and among their recent career destinations are employers Google, SAP, Intel, PayPal, Deloitte, Microsoft, Symantec, HMH, Vilicom, Murex, NYSE Technologies, Realex Payments, Version1, Salesforce, Pfizer, Ericsson, and Intune Networks. Recent graduates have secured roles in areas including hardware design, software engineering & QA, data programming & analysis, commercialization of technology, teaching & training, senior management & CEO roles, security & forensics consultancy and bioinformatics R&D.

  • Tuition Fees: INR 18.6 Lacs (€24,200) – 1-year course
  • Scholarships: Up to 100% (full) scholarships are available
  • Program Link: Click Here
  • Application Deadline: Mid/End January

MSc Computer Science – Leiden University

The program offers stimulating, significant, multi-disciplinary and innovative research at an internationally renowned institute and combines theoretical, experimental and applied approaches.

The Computer Science master’s programme offers six specializations which combine excellent theoretical teaching with possibilities for applied work with industrial relevance. This is achieved by intensive collaboration with companies at the Leiden Centre of Data Science. Course themes include topics such as Evolutionary Algorithms, Neural Networks, Databases and Data Mining, Swarm-Based Computation, Bayesian Networks, Multimedia Systems, Embedded Systems and Software, Advanced Compilers and Architectures, Bio-Modeling and Petri Nets.

The industrial application areas and interdisciplinary activities include, among others: Bioinformatics and Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharma, Physics, Engineering Applications, Logistics Applications, Energy and Utility related Applications and Financial Applications.


  • Bioinformatics (MSc)
  • Computer Science and Advanced Data Analytics (MSc)
  • Computer Science and Education (MSc)
  • Computer Science and Science Communication & Society (MSc)
  • Computer Science and Business Studies (MSc)
  • Data Science: Computer Science (MSc)

Master’s in Computer Science – University of Twente

The Computer Science at the University of Twente scored #61 in the world in the THE 2017 subject ranking.  It features a clear international orientation. In accordance with your own specific interests, you will specialize in an area that is closely related to a field of practical application, such as healthcare, dependable systems or learning and knowledge management. The programme’s overall focus is on the development of ICT systems in their societal context, technological aspects and applications of embedded systems, and on the development process of sophisticated software systems.

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  • Cyber Security
  • Data Science & Technology
  • Software Technology
  • Tuition Fees: INR 11 Lacs / Euro 14,250 per (2-year programme)
  • Scholarships: Up to Euro 25,000 per year
  • Program Link: Click Here
  • Application Deadline: Feb 1, 2018

Master of Engineering: Computer Science – KU Leuven

This Master will train you to become an expert in the development and up-front professional use of computer and software systems. Nowadays, these systems are indispensable in nearly all areas of our society: in industry, the public sector, health and many social applications for end users. They are also the most complex systems ever created by humans.

The programme will teach you to specify, design, implement, test and maintain advanced software systems. It will teach you how to handle complexity and how to deal with diverse requirements such as functionality, reliability, user-friendliness, security, reliability, intelligence, efficiency and cost.

You will acquire all the necessary skills to tackle complex research questions, formulate your own research goals, and successfully achieve them.

You will be trained in communication skills and stimulated to acquire a broad societal view on the relevance of computer science and technology today.

Tuition Fees: INR 4.6 Lacs / EUR 6,000

  • Scholarships: Up to € 7,500 per academic year
  • Program Link: Click Here
  • Application Deadline: March 1, 2018

Master’s in Computer Science – University of Helsinki

This is among the top 1% of the world’s research universities because the University of Helsinki is ranked among the top 100 best universities.

In the Master’s programme in computer science, you can become an expert in a wide range of fields. You will have access to the focus areas of research in computer science at the University of Helsinki: algorithms, distributed or networked systems, and software engineering.  You will gain lasting professional skills for specialist, design, or managerial posts in the corporate world, or for research and doctoral education since the Master’s programme in computer science gives you the aptitude for both independent working and multidisciplinary teamwork.

This education will give you:

  • The ability to advance your knowledge in the different areas of computer science
  • The skill to seek, assess, and analyze scientific information in your own area of expertise, and apply the methods of the field in an ethical and sustainable way
  • The ability to act as expert in the field, and to develop the practices and methods of your field in cooperation with specialists from other fields
  • Oral and written communication skills in an international work environment

The quality teaching within the computer science programme at the University of Helsinki has been highlighted repeatedly in national and international teaching assessments. The student-centered, in-depth learning gives you a solid basis for life-long learning. Studying at the leading research unit for computer science in Finland offers you constant interaction with current research and insight into the development patterns in the field.

Tuition Fees: INR 11.5 Lacs / EUR 15,000 per year (2-year course)

  • Scholarships: Full Tuition fee plus EUR 10,000 EUR for living allowance
  • Program Link: Click Here

MSc Software Engineering – University of Limerick

Software Engineering involves the application of specialized knowledge and skills to develop different kinds of large, complex software systems.  There is a continuous demand for software engineering graduates both internationally and nationally.  This course will provide an opportunity for students to gain up-to-date knowledge and skills in software engineering.  Students will develop their ability to critically evaluate current software engineering research.  The course consists of both a taught component and a project.  It will equip graduates with a detailed knowledge of the theories, processes, methods, and techniques of building high-quality software in a cost-effective manner.  The course is offered in both full time and part time mode (one day per week), with both versions having the same academic content.

European Masters Programme in Software Engineering (EMSE) –

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, University of Oulu, Finland, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

The study curriculum is compounded of the modules Foundations, Advanced Topics in Software Engineering, Transversal Skills, Free Choice, Internship and Thesis according to the below schema, which also illustrates the range of credits for each module and their temporal distribution. The study plan also includes a summer school at the end of the first year and two courses in local languages (one each year).

Application Deadline: Dec 15 (Round 1) Jan 22 (Round 2)

Program Link: Click Here

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Tuition Fees: INR 1 Lac per year)

The DKE programme covers topics such as Advanced Database Management Technologies, Data and Process Modeling, Data Mining, Information Search and Retrieval, Semantic Technologies. The SEITM programme includes topics such as Requirements and Design of Software Systems, Software Process Management, Software Reliability and Testing, Systems Engineering. Some of the courses, such as Advanced Internet Technologies and Human-Machine Interaction, are shared by both programmes.

Study Plans:
– Data and Knowledge Engineering
– Software Engineering and IT Management

Below are the programs with NO (or very low) Tuition Fees

MSc Informatics (Computer Science) – TU Munich

The Department of Informatics is one of the largest and most renowned informatics departments in Germany and our professors and teaching staff are experts in their respective fields. Students of our master’s programs receive a top-level education and can tailor their program to focus in depth on the topics that interest them most.

The Master’s in Informatics is taught in English over four semesters and is designed to equip you with a thorough understanding of your chosen areas. It is a research-oriented degree that builds on the fundamentals of computer science you have acquired during your undergraduate studies. The Department offers a wide range of modules and research areas, including software engineering, databases, artificial intelligence, computer architecture, algorithms, and scientific computing. Teaching and learning methods include lectures, practical work, seminars, and research projects. The program also incorporates a number of interdisciplinary and supplementary elective modules, such as business planning, management skills, and intercultural communication.

Program Link: Click Here

MSc Computer Science – Saarland University

The Department of Computer Science at Saarland University is an internationally established centre for informatics research. The department is one of the most highly ranked academic departments in Germany and is one of the leading global addresses for research in computer science. More than 300 scientists are currently working and collaborating in research groups located either in the Department of Computer Science itself (with its 19 full university chairs) or in the numerous research institutions located on the Saarbrücken campus. Saarland University is the only university in Germany to have been awarded a Cluster of Excellence and a Graduate School in computer science as part of the Excellence Initiative run by the German federal and state governments.

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Saarbrücken offers Master’s students an ideal environment for pursuing successful, interdisciplinary, research-driven studies in informatics. Teaching modules covering core areas of theoretical and practical informatics enable students to improve their abilities in abstract reasoning and enhance their mathematical and technical understanding of the subject. The M.Sc. programme also offers students the opportunity to tailor course content to reflect individual areas of interest. By offering block courses during the recess period, students are able to study for their M.Sc. qualification at an accelerated pace.

MSc Computer Science – TU Kaiserslautern

The program deepens and extends the technical basis acquired in the Bachelor Course of Studies “Computer Science” in the area of fundamentals, systems, and applications. In particular, this improves the abilities for planning, designing and realization of information systems as well as the professional qualification.

When studying, the impartment and application of deepening knowledge in a larger partial area of computer science is being focused. Thus, the students are being taught up to the cutting edge of this particular partial area. The successful Master’s degree qualifies the candidates of the course of studies for independent further education as per the state of research in the selected specialization area. Moreover, they will acquire the necessary skills for independent scientific work.


  • Algorithmics
  • Computer Graphics and Visualization
  • Development of Embedded Systems
  • Information Systems
  • Intelligent Systems
  • Communication Systems
  • Robotics
  • Software Engineering
  • Verification

Program Link: Click Here

MSc Computer Science – University of Bonn

This is a perfect program for those who are looking at to focus on theoretical computer science and a research career. This program provides our students with the expert knowledge, skills, and methods as well as interdisciplinary key qualifications required for both a scientific and a professional career. You will cover Algorithmics, Graphics/Vision/Audio, Information and Communication Management, Intelligent Systems.

Program Link: Click Here

MSc Computer Science: Information Systems – TU Cologne

The international Master’s program “Computer Science: Information Systems”  at Cologne University of Applied Sciences covers computer sciences and its business applications. Mainly, it places emphasis on the correlation and interaction between both components. Key aspects of the Master’s program are the understanding and the design of vertical information processes, data structures, applications and systems that meet business demands. The knowledge which was acquired in a Bachelor’s degree in computer science or Business Informatics will be deepened and expanded and supplemented by additional competencies. Students are specifically enabled to participate in the analysis of complex computer science-specific tasks, to design solutions and are enabled to lead interdisciplinary development teams. In the framework of practical case studies and projects with external partners, it is taught to realize comprehensive and also contrary tasks with social and economic aspects, to design solution architectures and solution strategies, as well as to develop reference models for new tasks. Students will be led to the current state of research in areas of Informatics and Business Informatics and trained in methods of self-management so that they can tackle tasks in everyday working life at the borderline between technology and business.

The course plan includes four equally weighted areas: “Information Systems” (25%), electives (25%), project area (25%), Master’s thesis (25%). The first year includes the study focus and the electives including topics in computer science, information systems, and business administration. The second year consists of a project area and the Master’s thesis.

MSc Information Engineering and Computer Science – Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences

This program is designed to meet those needs. It provides a deep insight into the acquisition, processing, and handling of data as well as giving you the chance to exploit the power of distributed network and computing units. At the same time, you will be able to acquire the knowledge needed to analyze and process large amounts of data. To cover all these different aspects and to give you the chance to specialize in a field that fits your interests and career plans.


  • Computer Science
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Logistics
  • Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering

Program Link: Click Here

MSc Computer Science – University of Passau

You can go for Double-degree programmes with Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon) and Ecole Supérieure des Communications de Tunis as well as an English-taught double degree programme with Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

Program Link: Click Here

Joint International Master in Computer Science – Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and University of Wisconsin-Platteville

The Joint International Master (JIM) is an English-language Masters in Computer Science administered by two partner Universities: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, USA. All students in the program spend one semester abroad. Students have the option of earning a double degree with the University of Wisconsin. Students learn to work with state-of-the-art computer technologies, apply these to demanding challenges, and develop innovative solutions. JIM qualifies students for careers in both industry and research, where best practice scientific methods are applied to difficult and complex problems. The curriculum focuses on advanced courses in both applied and theoretical computer science.

Program Link: Click Here

MSc Computer Science: Digital Media – Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar

The internationally recognized and accredited master’s programme adopts an integrative approach based on two fundamental concepts

– Study of a selection of primary subject areas: media security, data mining, information retrieval, machine learning, visual analytics, optimization, mathematical modeling, mobile media, human-computer interfaces, usability, graphics, computer vision, and visualization.

– Acquisition of soft skills through a project-based study approach including active training of scientific communication, presentation and writing skills in small groups.

The master’s programme Computer Science for Digital Media comprises lectures, tutorials, seminars, two comprehensive student research projects as well as a master’s thesis for which students can choose between various specialized fields.

Program Link: Click Here

MSc Computer Science – University of Stavanger

The MSc in Computer Science gives a broad foundation within the field of computer science and after completing this programme the door is open to some of the most challenging and interesting jobs in the field. The study program has two specializations: (1) Reliable and Secure Systems and (2) Data Science.

The program utilizes lectures and activities such as individual projects, group projects, laboratory exercises with written reports, and company and industrial plant visits as learning methods. There is a high degree of individual advisory in the program, in particular in the work with the master’s thesis at the end. During the study period, there are possibilities for international student exchanges at one of our partner universities in Denmark, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia or USA.

Tuition Fees: No (Free education)

Application Deadline: March 1, 2018

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