Home Study in Germany All About German Universities India IIT Master-Sandwich-Programme (IIT) in association with DAAD

India IIT Master-Sandwich-Programme (IIT) in association with DAAD

Complete Guide For Studying Bachelors In Germany

The scholarships offer students from Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) the opportunity to complete a project work as part of their master’s thesis under the guidance of a German professor at one of the TU9 technical universities.

Who can apply?

Students from Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in the 2nd semester of their 2 year Master’s programme or 4th Semester of their 3 year master’s programme or in the 8th semester of an integrated / dual degree programme.

What can be funded?

RWTH Aachen
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Technische Universität Dresden
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Applications for the KIT Campus Alpin, Garmisch-Partenkirchen cannot be considered.
Duration of the funding
7 months (from September to March)


Scholarship payments of 750 euros per month
Payments towards health, accident and liability insurance cover
4 to 6 weeks German course at the host university
One-off research allowance of 266 euros
monthly rent subsidy where appropriate


Applications have to be submitted via the DAAD portal. Simultaneously, the application documents have to be handed in at the Dean’s office of the home institution. Qualified applicants will be nominated and a ranking list will be forwarded to the DAAD Office in New Delhi. The final decision lies with the Selection Committee of the DAAD.
Results will be announced by May.


What requirements must be met?

  • Applicants must be in the 2nd semester of their 2 year Master’s programme or 4th Semester of their 3 year master’s programme or in the 8th semester of an integrated / dual degree programme. [listr|Applicants must have obtained a minimum of 8,5 CGPA.]
  • GATE / JAM / CEED scores must be above average.
  • Letter confirming supervision by a university teacher in Germany (academic adviser).
  • Applicants must be of Indian nationality.
  • Applications for TU Munich are only accepted from students of coorperating partner IIT’s. Please click on the link below to see the partner institutions of TU Munich: https://www.international.tum.de/en/going-abroad/students/tumexchange/
  • A successful participation in a German language course at your host university is mandatory for further funding.
  • At the time of application, the applicant should already be in possession of a valid passport. The name on the application form should be identical to the one in the passport.
  • It is not possible to draw funding from other German scholarship-awarding organisations or from other German public authorities simultaneously with a DAAD scholarship.
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Language skills

  • German language skills are not required at the time of application.
    Very good proficiency of the English language is expected.

Application documents

  • online application form
  • Full curriculum vitae
  • Letter confirming supervision by a university teacher in Germany (academic adviser)
  • Two recent references from university teachers in a sealed envelope which provide information about the applicant’s qualifications
  • Detailed description of the research proposal for the master’s thesis which has been agreed upon with and signed by both academic advisers – from the IIT and the German host university
  • University degree certificates indicating final grade(s) (CGPA /CPI /SGPA)
  • Copies of GATE / JAM / CEED results.

Application deadline

09th April via the DAAD portal
Please check the application deadline with your respective Dean’s Office.
Please note that the DAAD Office in New Delhi will neither accept direct nor incomplete applications.


Application location

Dean’s Office of your Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Please note

  • Applicants submit their application documents via the DAAD portal. They are also required to submit a copy of the “Application summary” (PDF file) which is generated in the DAAD portal after the online application has been completed, as well as the two references from university teachers to the Dean’s Office of their home University .
  • Please be advised not to contact a host professor directly but rather take the help of your Indian academic advisor to find a suitable placement in Germany. Your advisor is expected to finalize the topic of your project in consultation and mutual agreement with his German counterpart.
  • The name on the application form should be identical with the one in the passport.
  • Please note that the access to the application portal only appears while the current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is not available until the next application period.
  • The access to the DAAD portal opens about 6 weeks before the application deadline.
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Contact, Information and advisory centers

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Regional Office New Delhi
c/o DLTA Complex, R.K. Khanna Stadium, 1 Africa Avenue,
New Delhi 110029
WWW: www.daaddelhi.org/en

Contact person: Ms Anuroopa Dixit
[email protected]

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