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GRE Score for MIS program in US Universities


Here are the average Score required for GRE General test for Management Information Systems Graduate.

GRE Scores required for Management Information Systems Program in USA.

Universities MS in MIS listed by GRE Scores. US Schools accept GRE or GMAT test score as a admission requirement for MIS program admission. Some schools offer MIS program under Business school division and in some schools under Information Systems Department.

GRE Score for MIS program in USA

Arizona State University 309
California State University San Marcos 300
Clemson University 311
CMU 318
Colorado State University 310
FIU 311
GMU 311
IIT 305
Indiana University-Bloomington 311
Iowa State University 310
Michigan Technological University 312
NCSU 312
NJIT 311
North Eastern University 312
Oklahoma State University Stillwater 310
Polytechnic University of New York 306
PSU 312
RIT 308
SJSU 305
SUNY Binghamton 310
SUNY Buffalo 312
SUNY Stony Brook 311
Syracuse University 312
TAMU 313
Texas Tech University 310
UFL 312
UIC 311
UMBC 311
UMCP 311
UMTC 312
UNCC 310
University of Arizona 310
University of Cincinnati 312
University of Colorado Boulder 313
University of Houston main campus 311
University of Massachusetts Amherst 313
University of Missouri Rolla 311
University of Texas at Dallas 308
USC 312
USF 311
UTAR 306
Also Read:  List of Documents Required for the Admission in Germany

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