Home Study in Germany All About German Universities Electrical Systems Engineering at University of Paderborn

Electrical Systems Engineering at University of Paderborn

Complete Guide For Studying Bachelors In Germany

Few words on Electrical Systems Engineering (ESE) – Paderborn University

1. There are two specializations: Electronics & Devices (ED) and Signal & information Processing(SIP); and 24 credits are same for both specializations. Moreover, you can study 12 credit subject from inter specialty and 12 credits are to be chosen from open pool of 5 subjects. so more or less , people study 60 credits of the program same. It differs by only 4 subjects. Project and thesis you are open to opt from any Electrical field.
2. Difficulty: According to people, SIP is tough. but, it is merely an opinion. ED can also be proven tough if you do not work hard  SIP requires your fundamental knowledge of signals, probability and good mathematics. ED needs mostly all around basics of Electrical and Electronics. Professors assume that you know enough from your past, so they don’t go into deep, and lectures becomes boring for us…specially people from South Asian continent.  That is common with almost all universities in Germany.

3. Job: It depends on your luck and efforts both. You can work in Uni as student assistant and earn around 350 Euros per month. You can also work as labor in local factories which gives 8-9 Euro / hour. Choice is yours.
It is a new program so we have only one graduate from ESE, and she is looking for Job now. So please do not ask for scope after MSc, we really do not know. But, scope is quite wide in Germany, specially NRW. Dusseldorf , Cologne and Duisburg are full of industries and there are plenty Electronic Industries. There is certainly demand for Electronic engineers who can speak Deutsche. So it is highly recommended that you learn German while you are doing Masters and also hone your skills on the language. Those who know programming, have added advantage!!

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4. About Paderborn: Paderborn is a small but beautiful town. NRW semester ticket let you go anywhere in our state. So it is quite amazing. All major superstores are there in Paderborn in the vicinity of university only. We have very good bus facility for university during semester period, so you can stay little bit far from Uni if cheap accommodation is available. There are some night clubs too. There is a huge population of British people in Paderborn as they have army base here. Studentenwerk Paderborn is again a shit organisation like any other Studentenwerk in University towns…it takes too much for getting a room in the dorm. So, try to be on your own for at least one semester or may be more for accommodation.

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