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US Universities With Scholarships For International Students


Universities With Scholarships For International Students. The US educational system ranks as one of the best and most preferred in the world, it is a well-known fact that more than half of the best universities in the world are located in the US according to the QS world University rankings.

Although having an educational experience that is enjoyable is guaranteed in US but the cost is usually at the top of the list of many students and a major source of concern to prospective students, it is one of the major constraining factors to most international students who desire to study in US.

Studying in USA is made easier by the availability of Universities with scholarships for International Students that offers unique opportunities of learning to international students.

Scholarships are offered as a form of financial aids to encourage and help students to further their education.


One core benefit of scholarships to its recipient (international students) is obtaining high quality credentials. It enables students to go beyond the shores of their countries and seek qualifications that is higher in quality.

Another important benefit is the enhancement of the skills of international students.

An expanded and well modified professional networks, international students are given the opportunity to build professional interactions and relationships that extends beyond the shores of their country.

Career prospect, is another crucial benefit of scholarships to international students, the availability of scholarships to international students further increases their chance of succeeding in their chosen field

AMERICAN UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON DC: Is one of the universities in US with scholarships for international students. A private university that focuses on global education by enrolling diverse students from all over the world.

In other to further buttress its commitment to diversity and sense of social responsibility American University provides scholarships to international students, one of such scholarship is the Merit Award for first year international student, it is a partially funded scholarship that is based on outstanding academic achievement, excellent communication skills in English, community service, volunteerism and leadership.

The scholarship ranges from $6,000 to $25,000 for each academic year, the scholarship can be renewed each year based on continuous outstanding academic achievement, several other sources of funding are also made available.

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BEREA COLLEGE: located in Madison County, a non-segregated coeducational college. It is one of the post-secondary institutions well known for providing free education to students and also acclaimed for its racial integration. Every student (international and local students) are provided with 100% funding.

In addition to these, all international students are provided with an on campus job through the work program of the school, students can use their wages to cover other personal and miscellaneous expenses.

The scholarship provided by Berea college can be used to offset the cost of tuition, accommodation and other miscellaneous expenses. The full scholarship is currently worth between $25,000 and $126,000 per year, admissions into this college are only accepted from students who need financial assistance as a result of low family income.

CONCORDIA COLLEGE: A private liberal arts school located close to New York city, Moorhead, Minnesota, its academics are deeply entrenched in global liberal arts curriculum that enhances creative thinking and developing a broad perspective towards issues of life.

Universities With Scholarships For International Students

Concordia University encourages students from all over the world, students are from over 28 countries and speak diverse languages, it is nationally recognized as one of the leading international schools that offers opportunities to make a lasting imprint on the globe volunteer work. In other to further back up its claim as regards its commitment towards global integration, it provides scholarship and financial aids to ease the financial strain on prospective students. International scholarships are exclusively based on excellent and outstanding academic ability, the scholarship provided can be as high as $25,000 for each students per year.

The school appreciates and acknowledge the contributions of international students towards the enhancement of education on campus, hence, these scholarships are provided to take care of a portion of the educational costs.

EAST TENNESSEE UNIVERSITY: ETSU is a public university located in Johnson city, Tennessee, it is the fourth largest university in the state of Tennessee and constantly ranked as one of the top university nationwide for rural medicine and primary care education.

It is home to several international students. East Tennessee University offers Academic Merit Scholarship to new international students seeking a graduate or undergraduate degree. As the name implies it is a merit scholarship award offered to students who have shown excellent academic and leadership qualities.

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The scholarship covers just 50% of the total tuition and maintenance fees with no additional cost and expenses.

Other Universities with scholarships for international students:

  • Columbia University
  • Iowa State University
  • Dort mouth College
  • Amherst College
  • Michigan State Universities


EAST TENNESSEE UNIVERSITY: The student must apply to East Tennessee University before applying for the scholarship, although students can apply for the scholarship before gaining admission to ETSU, however, the application must be submitted as admitted to ETSU either as a full time or degree seeking student prior to the final review of the scholarship application.

Already have or processing a F-1 or J-1 student visa.

Have a previous record of academic achievement.

It is advisable that students apply for the scholarship immediately they apply for admission to ETSU.

CONCORDIA COLLEGE: Students are to complete the scholarship application form after being admitted into Concordia College. Only admitted student will be considered, student will be notified if successful.

BEREA COLLEGE: Students are automatically granted a full scholarship upon admission into the school. No further paperwork is needed. Every international student of the school is a beneficiary of this no tuition scholarship.

Eligibility for Scholarships as an International Student.

The eligibility of international students for scholarship depends solely on the type of scholarship, there are no general rule that determines the eligibility of students for scholarships.

Universities with scholarships for international students have different criteria that qualifies a student for scholarship; some scholarships request for TOELFor IETLS scores, some are based on academic excellence, some demand that you must be from certain countries in other to be eligible and some are based on merit while some are based on your course of study. However, depending on which category you fall into, there is a scholarship that suit you.

More Universities with  Scholarships for International Students:

  • Full bright Foreign Student program
  • Berkeley College International Student Scholarship
  • Scholars for Development
  • The Brokerfish Scholarship for University Students
  • AVVO Scholarship Program

Opportunities in form of Scholarships are lurking around for international students who wish to study in the U.S., all you have to do is identify these opportunities and take full advantage of them.

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