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Has anyone got the US Visa after multiple failed attempts?

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List of my F1 Visa Interview Questions. Attended for F1 Visa Interview 4 times. I am posting all of my student visa interview questions here. 

F1 Visa Interview Questions

Finally the wait comes to an .. 
Here goes my VISA experience. 

Profile : 
Gre : 285 (Q145,V140) AWA : 3 
ielts : 6.5 (L:7,S:7,R:6,W:6) 
Acads : 56 with 55 backlogs (said 19 to VO) 
univ : NPU 
No Consultancy 
It's a bit lengthy, if you are interested and got enough patience go ahead or quit reading rite here. 

1st attempt- 20 Nov- Hyderabad 
2nd - 25 Nov - Chennai 
3rd - 5 Dec - Hyderabad 
4th - 19 Dec – MUMBAI (Approved)

Visa Questions in 1st attempt

1st attempt- 20 Nov- Hyderabad, counter : 15, slot 8 am, univ : NPU 

Was standing in the q at counter 15, three guys for F-1 in front of me. He checked all the transcripts of them so I've decided not to bluff about my backlogs. 

Visa officer around 30 years with a serious face. 

Me : Good morning Sir (with a close up smile, brushed with Colgate though :P) 
VO : Can you pass me your Passport (Gave) 
VO : I 20(gave) 
VO : When did you complete your under graduation? 
Me : 2012 sir 
VO : What were you doing from 2012? 
Me : I was working for Amazon as a “Digital Specialist” from September 2012. 
VO : Whats “Digital specialist”? 
Me : Explained. 
VO : Can I see the proof? 
Me : Gave my business card and salary slips. (checked them thoroughly) 
VO : Is it Amazon.com or any supporting company for Amazon. 
Me : I directly work for Amazon Sir. 
VO: Are your pay slips by Amazon. 
Me : yes sir 
VO : How many backlogs do you have. 
Me : (I was prepared to ans 24 as I removed few transcripts) I said 19 sir. 
VO : Can I see ur transcripts. 
ME : Yes sir (Passed my transcripts) 
VO : Checked each and every transcript. 
(Mean while I was explaining him that I met with an accident in my 3rd year and was bed ridden for 5 months so I missed few exams, When he was going through my 3rd year transcripts I was pointing at them and was explaining that AB represents Absent and this was the sem I missed my exams and then when he moved to 4th year I said him that I worked hard and cleared all the backlogs and scored 80% in my final sem) 
VO : Sorry I cannot approve your visa(with 214(b)). 

Said thank you and walked away with tears running down my eyes. 

Came out of the Consulate, went to the tea stall outside the consulate took a chai with my regular Oxygen I was totally blank dint know wat to do, there was a song playing in my Mind all the way till I reached my place. 
“This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill 
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will 
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain 
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!” 

Came home.. took money from my Mom went to Axis Bank, paid my visa fee.

F1 Visa Questions in Chennai

2nd attempt- 25 Nov – Chennai – counter 19, slot 11am, univ : NPU 

My number was displayed on the screen, went to the counter. 

VO was almost 6 foot 4” was and was speaking with a pleasant smile with the lady before me for her H1 visa, her visa was approved. 

VO : Hello Sir 
Me : Hello officer, how are you doing. 
VO : I'm great can see your Passport. 
Me : Yes sir, 
VO : Pass me your I20 and which university. 
Me :Norwesen Politechnc university (in a fake accent) 
VO : I'm sorry can you repeat the name. 
Me : Sir its Northwestern Polytechnic University, in CA. 
VO : Can I see you GRE score card. 
Me : passed both my GRE and IELTS (IELTS on the top) 
VO : I want only your GRE sir. 
VO : You scored low in your GRE 
Me : Sir I'm working for Amazon and I hardly find time to prepare for my GRE and I just had a gap of 3 days after my IELTS to prepare for GRE, I concentrated much on my IELTS and I ended up scoring Low in my GRE sir. 
VO : Ohk, whats your percentage? 
Me : 57% sir. 
VO : 57?? thats so less man 
VO : You have low GRE score , and 57 percentage and I also see that you have many backlogs(previous officer annotated that I have 19 backlogs). 
Me : Sir can I grab a moment of yours so that I can explain you why I have backlogs. 
VO : Ofcourse, the time is all yours man. 
Me : Sir, after completing my schooling in my 1st year of my under graduation I thought I got freedom and I started enjoying my life I was into every sport and event conducted in my college and I did not concentrate much on my studies and so was my second year, in third year I met with an accident and was bed ridden then I realized that I have dreams to fulfill, goals to achieve and I started working hard and.....(he stopped me) 
VO : But, doesn't seem to be working had. 
ME : Sir, all I need is one chance to prove myself and I promise you that I'l work hard and I'l never let you down for approving my VISA. 
VO : I'm sorry I cannot approve your Visa this time, better luck next time. 
Me : Sir can I know what can I add to my profile so that I can get my Visa approved next time. 
VO : I'm sorry I cannot speculate, but you can try again. 

Came to Hyd next day morning I got my salary credited, went to ATM took RS10400 and went to Axis bank paid my Visa fee.

Visa Questions in Hyd

3rd attempt - 5 Dec – Hyderabad- counter 11, slot 10 am, univ : NPU 

A lady in her late 20's was good looking with a perfect formal attire, blonde hair and bob cut. 

VO : waved her hand to come forward. 
Me : Good morning mam. 
VO : Good morning Can I see your passport and I 20 please. 
Me : yes Mam 
VO : So, North western Polytechnic university. 
Me : yes mam. 
VO : Which stream? 
Me : Computer science. 
VO : in your under graduation? 
Me : its Information technology mam. 
VO : Why you choose NPU? 
Me : NPU offers Mobile application development course which is my area of interest. 
VO : in the US many universities offer that course why only NPU. 
Me : Yes mam but I choose few universities in which I can get admission with my profile and among those only NPU offers Mobile application course. 
VO : When did you complete your under graduation ? 
Me : 2012 
VO : What have u been doing? 
Me : I was working for Amazon as a “Digital Specialist” from September 2012. 
VO : Is it Amazon.com or any supporting company for Amazon. 
Me : I directly work for Amazon Mam. 
VO: Are your pay slips by Amazon. 
Me : yes mam 
VO : When you are already working why do you want to do your masters? 
Me : Mam I'm working for amazon as a tech support guy where I troubleshoot errors faced by customers in application sold by Amazon, I dont think after completing my engineering I have to work as a tech support associate, I want to be either a software engineer or an application developer where I can develop apps with no errors. 
VO : ok good, place your left hand four fingers on the scanner (thought my Visa was approved, turned back to the visa officer) 
VO : So, wat about the backlogs now tell me the story? 
Me : (I thought * this ****, not again man) was in a confusion what to answer for few seconds then I said, Mam I met with an accident in my third year missed a semester and I could not attend my exams. 
VO : (in a sarcastic way) But I dont think there are 19 subjects in a semester. 
Me : (Was shocked) No mam there are only 8 subs in a sem but in my first two years I was into spots and I was the captain of my cricket team so could not balance both sports and studies. 
VO : Sorry I cannot approve your Visa 214(b) 

Moved from the counter.. came back again, Mam can I know the reason. 
VO : sorry 
Me : Mam I can nither increase my percentage of my under grad now nor I can decrease the no. of backlogs so wat else can I add to my profile to get a visa. 
Me : sorry mam. 

Came Home was in a dilemma if I should go for an other attempt. Took my time was thinking the whole day. Next day I woke up decided to give my last shot in Mumbai.

Visa questions in Mumbai

4th - 19 Dec – MUMBAI (Approved), counter 25 no tokens was sending to a random counter, slot 7.45. 

VO in his early 40's. 
VO : Step forward 
VO : Can I see your passport and I20 
VO : So Northwestern Polytechnic ha?? 
Me : yes sir 
VO : how did you Know abt this univ? 
Me Sir, when I was doing my project work in my b.tech I was searching in google for information and I read about the research by Prof. Thaisu then I happened to mail him thrice he replied and I took his assistance in completing my project then he asked me if I can join his research as I did my projrct in the same field, so I applied to NPU. 
VO: When did you complete your under graduation ? 
Me : 2012 
VO : What have u been doing? 
Me : I was working for Amazon as a “Digital Specialist” from September 2012. 
VO : Is it Amazon.com or any supporting company for Amazon. 
Me : I directly work for Amazon Sir. 
VO: from which univ did u complete ur under grad. 
VO was typing something for 1 min, my legs were shivering. 
VO : who's sponsoring for ur education. 
Me : My dad and My brother, I have a savings of 16 lacks and a bank loan of 12 lacks. 
VO: whats ur dad. 
ME : He is into rice business and we own a rice mill. 
Vo : whats ur brother? 
Me : He is dog breeder sir and we own a kennels named play kennels which is one of the popular Kennels in HYD. 
VO : Oh dog breeder. 
Was typing for 1 more min, suddenly he saw me and said visa approved. 
Me : Sir?? 
VO : (could not hear properly but it was something like)Keep your things moving man I've approved your VISA. 
ME : thank you Sir, Merry Christmas. 
He showed me Thumbs up and I left the consulate..... no idea which way I was walking, when I got my senses back I realized that I came out of the consulate without my knowledge. 

I hope these Visa interview questions are useful. 

Bhavana September 30, 2020 12:14 pm

Hi.. My visa got rejected twice in chennai under 214B section. Do I've to change consulate for the 3rd attempt? Or is it okay if I book slot again in chennai.. please respond.. Thank you

8 Answers
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F1 visa experience Chennai Consulate. 
Date : 21/04/14 
Status : Rejected  
Attempt: 3rd time 

B.tech -2011 pass out - 6 backlogs. 
Have related Experience. 
Gre: 286 
Ielts: 6.5 
Me: Very good morning Sir... 
VO: hey Good Morning man.. 
VO: pass me your passport please. 
Me : passed my passport .. 
VO: so why are you going to USA? 
ME: for my masters degree sir.. 
VO: okay.so you completed under graduation in which stream? 
ME: Information technology sir. 
VO: then whats your favorite subject.?? ( i knew i was dumped by this time) 
ME: i said C language. 
VO : can you please differentiate me between c and c++ 
ME: i started to explain the differences between them... 
VO: He stopped me and said wait for some time i will be back. 
Me: okay sir.. 
He went to talk with a person and the person was the same who rejected me last time in Chennai.... He came back to me after 2 minutes. 
VO: have you ever been to USA? 
ME: No Sir 
VO: how many times you were rejected USA Visa? 
ME: 2 times sir ..this is my third attempt. 
VO: so where is this university located? 
Me: Hooksett, New Hampshire . 
VO: okay. 
VO: sorry sir unfortunately i cant issue your visa now, better luck next time. 
( he then handed over the passport and 214b form)

Topic starter

My two attempt F1 VISA interview Experience

Here is F1 Visa Interview of Dual Guinness World Record Holder in typing.

Visa Interview First Attempt

Visa Status: Approved 
My visa experience is very important for those who has average profile and lost hope after their first rejection.  
My visa experience : 
Profile : 277/6/57.51%(9 BL) 
Achievement: Dual Guinness World Record Holder in typing. 
first attempt: Rejected 
Consulate: Hyderabad,8:00 slot on 09/5/2014 
Token no: E109 
Window: 16 
University: Valparaiso University. 
Major: Management and Information Systems. 

Here goes my interview. 

Me: good Morning Sir. 
VO: Good morning, passport only. 
Me: which university you are going? 
me: Valparaiso University. 
VO: slfkds lkfjsdlksldjf slfkjds(I dint get)? 
Me: I should place my hand? 
VO: place your hand on the scanner. 
Me: I placed my hand. 
VO: which year passed out? 
Me: 2013 sir. 
VO: What are you doing since then? 
Me: Undergoing courses and gave GRE and IELTS. 
VO: dlfkjdslksdjklf klsjflsd(I dint get)? 
Me: Sorry sir? 
VO: Which are the subjects did you opted? 
Me: Management and Information Systems(confused, I thought course) 
VO: You said you dint work any where. 
Me: Yes sir. 
VO: How many backlogs do u have? 
Me: unfortunately 9 sir.(he keep on typing for few seconds) 
VO: Sorry, I cannot approve your visa. 
Me: Thank u soo much sir.

Visa Interview Second Attempt: Approved

Hyderabad consulate, token no.E100, counter 105 
time:8:00 am slot, Date 13-05-2014(Only 3 days after 1st rejection). 
(This time I thought I should speak about my Guinness Achievement). 
VO was a Young American guy who was strict in nature never smiling. 
Me: good Morning Sir. 
VO: Good morning, passport and I 20 please? 
Me: Sure sir 
me: How r u sir? 
VO: I'm gud. 
Me: Sir, I want to tell u about the biggest achievement of my life,  
if you allow me, please. 
VO: Yes go ahead 
Me: I'm a World Champion typist, holding two Guinness World Records and I'm the first from India to hold two Guinness World Records in typing. 
Last time I was very much neverous and worried so i could'nt able to convience the Visa Officer before I say anything about myself I got rejection slip sir. 
VO: How your achievement is helpful for your academics?  
Me: Offcouse its gonna be very much useful sir, because I hold record in typing. As a computer science engineer typing is useful while writing programs and thesis and during queries its all about typing sir. Typing is very much useful for my acadimics. 
VO: OK. Why Valparaiso? 
Me: I'm very much excited in learning under Dr. John Haulker who is Director of MIS and Research lead for Data Mining, which is my favourite subject. He is awardee of many prestigious awards for his research on data mining. I talk to him, he told me you are going to have different experience learning data mining here. 
VO: Its been only 5 days since ur 1st interview? 
Me: Yes sir, I made lot of changes in my profile. Last time I dint speak about my self properly. 
VO: when did you passed out? 
Me: 2013 sir. 
VO: what are you doing since then? 
Me: I'm undergoing Data Mining Course and wrote GRE and IELTS. 
VO: Your undergraduate % ? 
Me: 57.51 sir. 
VO: How many backlogs do u have? 
Me: unfortunately 9 sir. 
Me: Can I tell u the reason sir? 
VO: Yes, u can. 
Me: Sir this is my Guinness Certificate, I entered into the Guinness book on 2 feb 2012 at that time I was in my 3-2 sem. So, I put some more concentration on the feat but later on when I realize that I have backlogs I balanced my passion and academics by clearing my backlogs in very few attempts. 
VO: Can I have your transcripts please? 
Me: Yes sir, sure. Please.(He counted all my backlogs) 
VO: Ok , you can take it 
VO: How much is your GRE? 
Me: 277 sir. 
VO: now what reason do u have for this? 
Me: Actually sir recently this year I break another Record so I dint prepare well for my GRE but later on when I realize I got less score I wanted to retake it but I got admission from Valparaiso so I dropped the plan. 
VO; Why only US? 
Me: The world knows the standards of US education. In India US graduates have high priority. The reason I choose MIS because thousands of developers born in India every day. There r few people from Data Mining side which is a booming sector for Jobs presently in India. 
VO: Other admits? 
Me: Yes sir, Silicon Valley University, California. 
VO: then why not to silicon valley? 
Me: Sir, to be honest I dont like programming much. I got CS there so I dint prefer it. 
VO: what is your Father? 
Me: Government Employee. 
VO: which department? 
Me: Medical and Health. 
VO: Is he a Doctor? 
Me: No sir, he is a Health accounts Officer. 
VO: How many brothers and sisters do u have and what they do? 
Me: I hv two younger brother n they are persuing education here and I don't hv sisters. 
VO: what are the subjects you are going to have in Your 1st Sem? 
Me: Data Mining, Operating systems and Management Core. 
VO: What is Data Mining?. 
Me: Extracting data from the data base is known as Data mining. 
VO: Place your left hand four fingers on the scanner. 
Me: Ok sir, sure. 
VO: We hv another option, why dont you transfer to California? 
Me: No sir, I'm totally satisfied with the professors I talk to them, they told me that you are going to have different experience. So, I dont want to change the University. 
(smiled and said) 
VO: Congratulations, your visa has been approved. 
I'm vry much thankful to Almighty Allah, when I got rejection I was totally depressed. I kw how I faced those 3 days.  
I cannot forget these verses of QURAN: "And if we shower our mercy on him after some adversity has touched him, he shall surely say:"it is due to my (skills and ability)"-Quran(sura41,verse50).  
It is my *** Allah who gave me ability and skills to convience the VO. 
I also thank to all my friends who posted their visa experiences here which r vry useful for all of us. I wish all American education aspirants will get US visa. Dont worry give the best and accurate answers. And never lose Hope. ALL THE BEST.

Topic starter

Here is my visa experience, Second time at the US consulate already have a B1 Visa. 
Consulate: Chennai 
Date: 25/07/2014 
Time: 8:30 am 
Counter no: 18 

I reached the consulate by 8.10am, thought would sent in directly. There was mad rush and huge no. of ppl waiting. After waiting for two and half hours reached the finger print counter then reached my counter for my interview at 10.30 am. 

she was very young lady (24-28 age), 9 ppl in front of me got straight rejects and i was the 10th candidate.. i was freak out... i just faked all my fear with a smiley face. 

Me: Gud morning 
VO: Said Gud morning and was typing something. 
Me: Do u want my passport? 
VO: Your Passport and I-20 please. 
gave them to her, 
VO: So you have a B1 visa already? 
Me: yes (with big smile) 
VO: Where did u work? 
Me: FLSmidth Pvt. Ltd. 
VO: Are you still working? 
Me: No i resigned last month. 
VO: What was your profile? 
Me: Explained in detail about WHRS 
VO: I cant understand technology and innovations related subjects, please explain in simple words and slowly, so that i can follow you 
Me: No problem, in an extract we generate power from waste gas from cement plants. 
The VO got really busy was called inside several times and was totally distracted and she kept on apologising was the delay and for making me wait. At last after 5 min 
VO: We have not provided you with the best of the customer services, you were being very patient with me. 
Me: No prob please take your time. 
VO after continuously typing for 3 min r so... 
VO: Your visa is approved. But you have to sign your I20 in the bottom and fill in the details, will be questioned in the immigration centre. 
Me: sure i will do that, said Thank you 
VO: your welcome with a smiley face. 
This was my lucky day. My suggestion would be always have a smile on your face and most important thing groom yourself to be best extent possible and dress appropriately.... u looks shows how confident you are and brings a pleasant feeling to the officer. Answer clearly and upto the point, Avoid having a big dialogue with the VO. All the rejects before me went on like a interrogation, so keep it simple. 
All the best guys


My Visa got rejected twice. I'm sharing my experience below. If anyone can help me with what went wrong and how to fix it.

First attempt. July. Mumbai consulate.

ME - Good morning, sir!
VO - Give me your passport, I20.

VO- How many universities did you apply to?
Me - I have applied to one university.

VO- Why only one?
Me - The course allows me to choose whether I want to make a short animation movie or submit a paper of wearable on a robotic consortium. Also, the faculty... (I was cut in the middle)

VO- I do not think that could be a reason for choosing this university.

Before I could start explaining to him my point he asked

VO - How are you funding your education?
Me - I am offered TA under professor X. My mom has savings and FDs in her bank account, she is sponsoring me. Since I was working in IT industry for 4 years I also have some funds in my account that I would be using.

VO - (looking at my i20) but there is no mention of Financial Aid in your I-20?
Me - Sir, I received the confirmation on mail (I handed him over the email print out)

VO - I see you used to work for *Big four*?
Me - Yes sir.

VO - Why did you leave?
Me - I was able to implement the basic principles of programming when I was in the firm. However, I want to have an in-depth knowledge of these technologies, I also want to learn more about AI, ML and graphics.

VO- Okay, how much money will you be receiving from your TA?
Me- 4500$ per semester which will be paid monthly.

VO- And what about the remaining funds?
Me - My mom is helping me with funds, do you want me to show the statements and I also have funds in my account (since the question was asked twice).

VO - No, that's okay (he looked annoyed). What does she do?
Me - She is a homemaker. She gets a monthly pension on behalf of my father.

VO - What did he do?
Me - He was a government officer in electricity board.

Printed 214(b) rejection form. Before I could ask for the reason of denial he asked the person standing behind me to come forward.

Attempt 2. August. Mumbai.

VO - Give me your passport please
Me - Passed him my passport

VO - I-20 plz?
Me - Sure sir.

VO - So University of Colorado Colorado Springs?
Me - Yes sir.

VO - How many universities did u apply to?
Me - sir I applied to one University.

VO - Why only one? *With a slight smile*
Me - Sir, I've been following the research work of professor X and I'm highly influenced with the work that he is doing in the field of NLP, deep learning. I want to work on NLP and better network under his guidance but mainly in animation and graphics domain. Since, school was offering a course in animation and wearables. I chose this program.

VO - Alright, and what about fundings?
Me - I have some savings in my bank account. My mother is also willing to sponsor me. She has bank savings and FD I'm her account. Also, I would be using my TA earning for partying my rent.

VO - *He seemed convinced*. *Started typing something*

VO - I see ur Visa denied last month?
Me - Yes sir * I didn't give any explanation, waiting for him to ask*

VO - You work for *Big four*?
Me - I used to work for *Big four*. I resigned early this year.

VO - Reason?
Me - I wanted to concentrate on applying for masters.

VO - *started typing again for about 2 minutes*
VO - unfortunately I can't give u Visa this time around. *He looked sad too while giving me the slip.*

Me- sir, may I know the reason?
VO - You have only applied to one University and that too which is not very competitive. It looks u have some other intention than just education.

Me - Thanks for ur time sir.

Will it improve my chance if I apply to multiple University this time and then choosing the same university I did before?

Govind August 12, 2019 6:46 am


Applying to only one university makes you seen as unserious. Reason they keep asking you why one??
You don't resign from your job to go for masters, even if you did resign tell them you still work there, resignation means you want to run and never come back and the consular job is to know that after your school you will come back to your home country..

Lastly your funds seems shady, your mum is been paid monthly by your dad and your dad used to work for the government, which means he currently doesn't have an income coming in and same as you, no consular will approve your visa knowing this, even with your funds, it screams that you will want to work in the states while doing your masters and that they don't want..

I think this are the three reasons killing your chances to get the visa, apply for three universities, don't tell them you resigned and get your uncle or siblings who still works if you have any to be your sponsor... Goodluck next time


December 9, 11 am - Chennai Consulate

Visa officer was an Indian (VO was rejecting most f1 and also tourist visa who was an old lady trying to get) - I was wondering why in an American consulate,  there is an Indian visa officer and praying not to get into that counter 25 and my bad luck, I got counter 25 who is an indian VO officer.


He was rejecting F1 before me where he asked that student whether this is his second attempt and I interviewed you ? The student said no, then VO his asked his gre score and student said his score, the VO rejected him.


VO: signalled me to come

ME: Good afternoon officer

VO: good afternoon 

VO: Pass me your passport 

ME: Sure

VO: Your GRE?

ME: My program doesn’t require GRE and hence I have not given GRE but gave English proficiency test PTE and scored 66/90.

VO: Cgpa

ME: Told

VO: Backlogs

ME: told

VO: Were you working in suncorp New Zealand ? 

ME: Yes

VO: oh you have studied in Unitec, New Zealand?

ME: Yes sir, it was one year program called Graduate Diploma in Computing

VO: What were you doing after that? 
ME: I am working in Amazon as software tester.

VO: How many years?

ME: 1.8 years

VO: oh, so you are going to Northeastern University?

ME: Yes sir, to pursue my masters in Analytics

VO: How many you applied?

ME: Apart from Northeastern, I applied to UMBC but it’s still department under review. 

VO: (again) CGPA and backlogs?

ME: told

 VO: Sorry you don’t qualify for visa this time, you may apply again. Reasons are given in this slip.

ME: Thank you sir 


Any inputs guys? 


Visa interview experience

Date: 6th January 2020

Status: Rejected

Me: Good morning ma'am!

Vo: Good morning, pass me your i20 and passport

Me: passed. (Smiled)

vo: what's your age?

Me: I am 24 years old ma'am. (smiled)

Vo: in what field you have done your bachelor's?

Me: I have done my bachelor in computer application.

Vo: have you ever travelled outside of India?.

Me: no ma'am. (Smiled)

Vo: who is sponsoring you?

Me: my father is will pay for my education. (smiled)

vo: what does he do?

me: he is a businessman. he does business for industrial work.

Vo: How many admit?

Me: one admit.

Vo: in how many universities have you applied?

Me: I have applied in 3 universities where I got one admit and two rejection. (it took me a couple of seconds to realise that I made a mistake by using the term " rejection" and also providing her additional information)

Vo: What is your GRE score?

me: I got 266 in GRE. ( i forget to mention that the university does not require GRE for my admission.)

Vo passed me 214(B) form and told me that my visa is rejected.

Second time.

date - 14-January-2020

vo: good morning.

me: good morning sir, how are you doing?

vo: I am doing fine. thank you! pass me your passport and i-20.

me: passed.

vo: (he took around 40 seconds to check the details)

what is your GRE score?

me: I got 266 in GRE but my university does not require GRE for my admission. ( this information is already mentioned on my i-20 by the university)

vo: in how many universities have you applied?

me: I have applied in 3 universities.

vo: and what are they?

me: informed.

vo: (pointed towards 214(B) form) sorry, your visa is not approved and the reasons are mentioned here below. Thank you!

any suggestions?

i am going to appear for a visa for the third time on 23rd of January.

1st time rejected
Centre Mumbai
Date: 15/Dec/2020
Time: 5min
Counter: 30
(Because I was very nervous & counldn't ans properly, also I dont heard any question properly)
Vo. Heard somthing like cleveland state university?
Me. Yes
Vo. What is your specialization in Computer Science?
Me. Data Science and Machine learning
Vo. I couldn't heard anything but something like score
Me. Sorry sir
(Again I heard only score word
This time I was very nervous and said my undergraduate CGPA)
Me. 6.96
Vo. 6.96
Me. Yes sir
Type something And said sorry I am rejecting your Visa
2nd Time (rejected)
Centre: Mumbai
Date: 30/Dec/2020
Counter 26
Me. Good morning, How are you?
Vo. Good morning, Pass me your Passport
Me. I pass my passport and i20
Vo. Which University
Me. Cleveland state University Ohio.
Vo. Which course
Me. Masters in computer Science.
Vo. What did you do in your undergraduate?
Me. I completed my bachelor of engineering in electronics and telecommunication.
Vo. Why change field?
Me. I was very nervour this time
And say I have worked as software tester in which I gain in depth knowlage of software architecture and distributed system now I want to take this forward and interest in developing large scale distributed system.
Vo. Why this University?
Me. Cleveland state university offers advance courses in data science, And it is research driven university professior Alexandra and satish kumar are doing research in data science and machine learning and I am perticularly interested in this area, also this university is one of the best university in ohio & I received scholarship that the reasion I choose Cleveland state University.
Vo. Who is sponsoring You?
Me. My father is sponsoring me
Vo. What does he do?
Me. He is a deputy manager in state bank of India
Type somthing and say sorry I am rejecting your Visa

Hello everyone
Visa Appointment at Chennai consulate.
1st attempt - Rejected
Date- 11th January
Time - 9 :00 AM
Duration: 2 minutes
University: Santa Clara University
I got counter number 27, walked with my file and said good morning officer
VO : did not see my face or reply anything
After 2-3 sec
VO: pass me your passport (bit rude voice)
Me: passed my passport
VO:Which University are you going to?
Me: Santa Clara university
Vo: Which all Universities did you apply?
Me : UTD, UTA, George Mason
VO : (interupted me and asked) which all admits among them?
Me: I got 4 admits and I named them
VO: looked at my i-20 for 5 sec and said this university is pretty expensive who is sponsoring for your education?
Me: My parents are sponsoring me
VO: what is your father's income
Me: 8.8 lakhs per annum
VO: 8 lakhs comes around 12000 USD your program requires 52000 USD which is 3 times your dad's Annual income
Me: I have education loan sanctioned for 60 lakhs and my parents have savings of 50 lakhs ( he did not listen this he had already started typing something)
VO : keep your left finger and take your documents sorry I cannot give you visa under section 214b please read this document.

Can anyone please let me know where did I go wrong, what else should I do better next time? Will VO officer consider my application without judging me based on my reject ? Can I go to same Chennai consulate again and after how many days I should apply again?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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