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What are the best universities to study in Germany for computer science

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Specially for my field of study: computer Science

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Each year, the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) publishes Germany's most comprehensive ranking of higher education institutions. This multidimensional ranking uses up to 40 different indicators to provide a differentiated and detailed view of the strengths and weaknesses of German higher education by subject areas. This is complemented by a research ranking published every fall to provide specific information on the research contribution of German higher education institutions. On the CHE website  you can find out what the top-ranked German universities are in every subject area.
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Germany is an outstanding study destination if your desired choice of a subject is engineering. Providing for the fact that Germany offers excellent educational possibilities for national and international students alike, with low to no tuition fees and great campus lifestyle, the country is becoming irresistible for prosper students and future experts. 
Below are some of the best university
LMU Munich
Technical University of Munich
Heidelberg University
Humboldt University of Berlin
RWTH Aachen University

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