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Part time jobs in G...
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Part time jobs in Germany for International Students

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How are Part time jobs in Germany for International Students

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There are legal regulations which stipulate how long international students like yourself are allowed to work. The rules vary depending on your country of origin.

1. If you come from one of the following countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain or the United Kingdom

►You are allowed to work as much as you wish without a work permit. However, like German students, the amount may not exceed 20 hours per week. Otherwise, you are required to pay into the German social security system.

2. If you come from a different country

►Then you may work 120 full days or 240 half days per year. If you take a job as a student assistant or research assistant at the university, it’s usually no problem to exceed the 120-day limit. However, you are obliged to inform the Alien Registration Office if you do.

The employment laws pertaining to international students are very stringent. If you violate them, you could be expelled from the country!

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Thanks. I also found this, posting here for the readers. 

Germany offers students a very flexible part-time work schedule. A student can work for 120 full days or 240 half days when he/she is registered as a full time student. The part-time work schedule that Germany offers is way better than other countries such as the U.S and U.K which allow their students only to work for 20 hours in a week.

The minimum wage is also very high in Germany compared to other countries, it starts from 10 € and goes upto 17 € depending on the place you are working at. Taking average figures into consideration, a person can earn as much as 800 € a month by doing part time-jobs.

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